General Theory of Relativity

General Theory of Relativity

One of the most important theories in the field of physics is Einstein’s theory of relativity. The theory of relativity has 2 parts one is the special theory of relativity and the other is a general theory of relativity. As in the previous article, I discussed the Special theory of relativity. Now will discuss the general theory of relativity. The general theory of relativity was proposed by Einstein in 1915. The theory revolutionized our concept of space-time and gravity. General relativity is a theory of gravitation that describes the motion of massive objects in spacetime, proposing that gravity is the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. Now let’s dive into the theory.


Before general relativity, Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravitation had been the prevailing theory of gravity for over two centuries. However, as scientists made more precise observations and conducted experiments, certain inadequacies and inconsistencies with Newtonian gravity became apparent. According to Newton’s view of gravity, He stated that “Every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force called gravity. The force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers “. This relationship is expressed by the formula:


F = (G m1 m2) / r^2

F = Force of gravity

G = Gravitational constant

m1, m2 = Masses of the two objects

r = Distance between their centers

Newton's theory of gravity postulated that gravitational interactions act instantaneously across any distance, even though no physical mechanism for this action was explained. According to Newton's view, if the Sun were to suddenly disappear, the Earth would not immediately be aware of it and would continue its motion in a straight path, tangent to its previous orbit. Also, Newton was unable to fully explain the motion of planet Mercury and lacked a deeper understanding of the nature of gravity.

Unlike Newtonian gravity, which described gravity as a force acting instantaneously at a distance, general relativity explained gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. In general relativity, the concept of spacetime plays a crucial role. Instead of treating space and time as separate entities, Einstein unified them into a four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. Massive objects, such as planets and stars, deform this spacetime, creating what we experience as gravity.

Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equivalence:

In 1905 Einstein introduced the groundbreaking concept called mass-energy equivalence. The formula is,

E= mc^2

The equation states that energy is directly proportional to the mass and square of the speed of light. In simple terms, it means energy and mass are interchangeable, and a small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy. Now let’s understand it using scenarios. Like consider you have a kettle, and it has water in it you boil water and water starts boiling and evaporates the mass of water in the kettle is reduced and steam and heat are produced which is energy. Like the process of generation of electricity from fuel is same. Like the combustion of fuel is done it produces a lot of heat and using this heat the water present in the boiler is heated and because of heating water converts into steam and this high-pressure steam is thrown into turbines and when turbines move electricity is generated. So, you see water in the boiler reduces with the passage of time and this mass is converted to energy which produces electricity. This is also called the rest mass energy formula. Rest mass energy is the energy of an object that is at rest. Like in the above scenario, water is at rest. When an object is in motion it has an additional energy called kinetic energy. So total energy in this case is,

Total energy = mc^2 + ? * mv^2

Where m is the mass of an object and v is the velocity of the object.

The conversion of energy into mass is a fascinating concept that occurs in high-energy environments. One of the most common scenarios where this happens is in particle accelerators. In particle accelerators, scientists accelerate particles to incredibly high speeds, often close to the speed of light. When these high-speed particles collide, they release a tremendous amount of energy. This energy can sometimes be converted into new particles with mass. According to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence (E=mc^2), a sufficiently high amount of energy can create particles with mass. I think the best example here will be the concept of pair production. In pair production, a high-energy photon (a particle of light) interacts with a nucleus or an electron. The energy of the photon is converted into the mass of an electron and its antiparticle, a positron, and photon disappears.

Let’s dive into the energy-mass equation more. Actually, the equation E=mc^2 is incomplete you might not know.


Where γ Lorentz factor which is equal to

But the question is why in daily life we do not use it the reason is because in daily life its value is equal to 1. In daily life, our motion is very low as compared to the speed of light so the factor (v/c) ^2 is very close to zero so the answer is approximately 1. But if we move comparatively to the speed of light the factor increases than 1 then we include this factor. Also as in the special theory of relativity, Einstein said that when we move comparatively to the speed of light the mass increases and at the speed of light the mass becomes infinite and when we put this value in the above equation energy becomes infinite. So, it means to move with speed of light infinite amount of energy is required which is practically not possible so an object cannot move with speed of light.

The curvature of Space-time:

????????? In the general theory of relativity, Einstein called gravity the curvature of space-time. Einstein united space and time asked space-time as a combined entity. Let’s understand the concept. Take a rubber sheet and place a heavy ball in it. You will see the heavy ball curve the rubber sheet around it. Now take a light ball and place it on a rubber sheet. You will see that it will curve the rubber sheet less than the heavy ball and will continue to move around the heavy ball if it is placed under the curvature of the rubber sheet caused due to heavy ball. So, in order to understand simply take the rubber sheet as space-time, the heavy ball as the sun, and the light ball as Earth. The massive and dense objects curve the space-time more than less massive objects. Everything like any object that lies under the curvature of an object began to move around it and is captured by it. So, Massive objects, such as planets and stars, deform this spacetime, creating what we experience as gravity. Now discuss geodesics. Geodesics are the paths that objects naturally follow in spacetime when they are under the influence of gravity alone. These paths represent the straightest possible trajectories within the curved spacetime geometry. Geodesics is the shortest path that an object adopts during motion in space-time right. Just like on a flat surface the shortest path between 2 points is a straight line. Imagine an object moving through space without any forces acting upon it, other than gravity. In the absence of external forces, the object will move along a geodesic, which is the most natural and effortless path determined solely by the curvature of spacetime caused by nearby masses. For example, consider a planet orbiting a star like our Sun. The planet follows a geodesic path in the curved spacetime around the star. It is as if the planet is moving in a straight line within this curved spacetime, even though the overall motion appears as an elliptical orbit when observed from a distance.

Space-time Curvature

Space-time curvature also effects the time known as gravitational time dilation. The time ticks more slower in region where space-time is more curved than the region where the space-time is less curved. Around black holes time will move slower because the black hole curves space-time a lot as compare to time moving around stars . Around stars the space-time is less curved as compare to black hole so time will pass faster around star than black hole. While a person in black hole will not observe that time is ticking slower but the person in star or in other planet when it will observe the person in black hole it will conclude ?that time is passing slower for person in black hole. Same is the case the person on black hole will observe that time for person present in star or planet is moving faster. The concept of gravitational time dilation is very important and is used in GPS system.

Equivalence Principle:

??????????? The Equivalence Principle is a foundational principle of general relativity that establishes a deep connection between gravity and acceleration. In simpler terms, the Equivalence Principle suggests that the effects of gravity on an observer inside a freely falling elevator are indistinguishable from those of acceleration in the absence of gravity. This principle implies that gravity is not a force in the traditional sense, but rather the manifestation of curved spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. Let’s understand the example simply. Suppose you are in an elevator and it’s in space you have worn sticky shoes and you have a ball in hand when you release a ball it will float because of free fall and if the elevator is accelerating then you will experience a force on yourself and if you release a ball the ball will move downward towards the ground of elevator. If the same elevator is on the earth you will experience a gravitational force. So, if the elevator is fully closed you cannot see outside. So, it will be difficult for you to answer whether you are experiencing force due to gravity or acceleration there is some relationship between them called the equivalence principle.

Einstein’s Field Equation ( EFE):

The Einstein field equation is a set of equations in the theory of general relativity that describe how spacetime is curved in the presence of mass, energy, momentum, and pressure. In simpler terms, it explains the relationship between the distribution of matter and the geometry of spacetime.???????

Einstein's Field Equation

Before diving into the field equation first you should know what Tensor is. Tensor is basically a large array of data. You can say it’s the array of matrices in a simple way they are very complex. To solve tensors, we use computers. A scalar can be considered a 0-dimensional tensor (0-tensor), which is just a single value or number. A vector is a 1-dimensional tensor (1-tensor), represented as an array of numbers, such as [x, y, z], where each element represents a component along a specific direction. A second-rank tensor (2-tensor) can be thought of as an array of vectors, represented as a two-dimensional array.


Now let’s discuss the field equation,


Stress energy tensor

In the field equation, this represents the stress-energy tensor. Let's consider the example of a planet (like Earth) placed in spacetime. The stress-energy tensor would describe the properties of the planet and the effects it has on spacetime around it. The stress-energy tensor tells us about the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass , a energy.

G => It is the gravitational constant

C => Speed of light

cosmological constant

It’s the cosmological constant. The cosmological constant is a way to describe a repulsive force that counteracts the attractive force of gravity say anti-gravity. Studying it more provides a description of Dark energy that works opposite to gravity.

Metric tensor

It is the metric tensor. It is basically the distance between 2 points in space-time.

Scalar value

It is the scalar curvature. It simply describes how much spacetime is curved at a specific location.

Ricci tensor

It is the Ricci curvature tensor that gives a description of how curvature changes from place to place. Imagine you are walking on the surface of a hill or a valley. As you move around, you may notice that the ground's steepness changes. In some areas, it might be very steep (high curvature), while in others, it might be flatter (low curvature). The Ricci curvature is like a measure of this changing steepness as you walk around on the surface.


By solving the equation for different scenarios, such as planets orbiting stars or the evolution of the universe as a whole, we can understand the behavior of matter and spacetime in a gravitational field, including the bending of light, the motion of celestial bodies, and the expansion of the universe. The Einstein field equations have been extensively tested and found to be remarkably accurate in describing various gravitational phenomena.


????????? Now let’s dive into new concepts starting with the curvature of space time. The massive objects curve space-time more than the less massive objects. Like stars curve space-time more than the planets. Let’s discuss the fascinating consequence of the general theory which is black holes.

A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitational pull. It is formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity during a supernova explosion. The collapse causes the star's matter to become extremely dense, creating a gravitational field that is incredibly intense. Now let’s discuss briefly how black holes are actually formed. When a star that is more massive than the? Sun has burned all of its nuclear fuel, its core will begin to contract under the force of gravity. This contraction generates heat, which causes the surrounding layers of the star to expand and cool. As the core continues to contract, the temperature and pressure in the core will increase. Eventually, the core will become hot and dense enough to ignite helium fusion, where two helium nuclei combine to form beryllium. This process generates a lot of energy, which causes the star to expand and become brighter. Once helium fusion begins, the star will enter a new phase of its life known as the red giant phase. During this phase, the star will continue to expand and cool, eventually becoming so large that it may engulf nearby planets. As the star continues to fuse heavier elements, the core will eventually become composed of iron, which cannot undergo further fusion without absorbing energy instead of releasing it. Since the core cannot support itself, it will collapse rapidly under the force of gravity, producing an enormous amount of heat and pressure. This sudden collapse of the core will generate a shock wave that travels outward through the layers of the star. When the shock wave reaches the outer layers of the star, it will cause a massive explosion known as a supernova. The supernova explosion will release an enormous amount of energy, including light, heat, and radiation, and it will also produce heavy elements such as gold and platinum. The remaining core of the star will either collapse into a neutron star or a black hole, depending on its mass. While stars with initial masses above 25-30 solar masses will likely form black holes. The?singularity?is a point at the center of a black hole where the mass is thought to be infinitely compressed into an infinitely small volume. It is a region of extreme density and gravitational curvature where the laws of physics as we currently understand them break down. According to general relativity, the singularity is a point of infinite spacetime curvature, where the laws of physics as we know them cease to apply. The?event horizon?is the boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing, including light, can escape. Once an object or particle crosses the event horizon, it is destined to be pulled into the black hole's singularity at the center. The size of the event horizon is determined by the mass of the black hole. The larger the mass, the larger the event horizon. An?accretion disk?is mostly composed of dust and gas clouds that orbit a black hole These clouds are captured by other nearby stars by the black hole's gravity. They move faster around the black holes releasing radiation including X-rays. As many people thought that black holes are holes they are not holes fact they are dark dense objects.

Black Hole

Now I think you know well about black holes and space-time curvature. Light is also affected due to the curvature of space-time. It bends when moving around massive objects Actually it follows the shortest path in space-time curvature that appears to us like light is bending but actually it’s following the shortest path. This phenomenon of bending of light around heavy objects is very useful known as Gravitational lensing. It is also the fascinating consequence of the general theory of relativity.

It's due to gravitational lensing we are able to see distant galaxies. Imagine there are objects like other stars behind the sun and as the sun is very bright is bigger in size we wouldn’t be able to see distant objects or galaxies but due to gravitational lensing it's possible. In normal space-time, light passes straight but when it passes near the space-time curvature it bends. So the light from distant galaxies or objects when they pass through the dense objects/curved space-time bends and light from distant objects finally reaches us and we are able to see the distant objects that’s fantastic. Just think like a massive object is acting like a giant magnifying glass.

Gravitational Lensing

It is a powerful tool in astronomy used widely. There are various types of gravitational lensing light strong lensing and weak lensing. In strong lensing light’s path is significantly curved and in weak lensing light path is less curved. These light rays are curved and reach the observer so the observer might view the multiple images of a single object.?? Also due to lensing the images of an object might appear to be stretched like a banana in shape also known as shear.??

Gravitational lensing

Also, there is a possibility that the stars of a galaxy might become the magnifier for other stars of the same galaxy known as microlensing. When a foreground star passes in front of a more distant star, the closer star's gravity can briefly magnify the light from the background star, creating a temporary increase in brightness. Sometimes if the massive object and distant objects align exactly in one line then due to gravitational lensing the distant objects appear like a ring called Einstein’s ring.

Einstein's ring

Now let’s discuss another fascinating consequence of the general theory of relativity which is gravitational waves.

Think like there is a river consider the river a universe. Consider a boat moving an object so you will see when the boat moves in a river waves are produced that’s the disturbance in water. Same when an object moves in space time waves are produced called gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime itself. These gravitational waves travel outward at speed of light. Although they are very sensitive and difficult to detect. Gravitational waves are often produced by incredibly massive and energetic events in the universe, such as the collision of two black holes or the explosion of massive stars (supernovae). Detecting these waves allows astronomers to confirm and study these events. For detecting gravitational waves extremely sensitive detectors, such as LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), are designed to catch these tiny ripples in spacetime. Firstly gravitational waves were detected in 2015. When a gravitational wave passes through Earth, it causes very subtle changes in the distances between objects that the detectors can pick up.

Gravitational Waves

Now let’s discuss White Hole. White holes are theoretical objects that have been proposed in the context of general relativity, but they are not a confirmed consequence of the theory. They are imagined to be the opposite of black holes unlike black holes they push everything away from it including matter and light. We haven’t observed a white hole up till now.

??????????? Worm Holes are theoretical structures in the fabric of space-time that are like shortcuts through the universe. They are like tunnels that connect 2 distant parts of space-time. Like, consider there a locations A and B in space-time. Now if you want to go to location B from location A in the normal way it may take a lot of time but using wormholes you can reach location B in a very short time using a wormhole. They have not observed up till now. Some theories suggest that wormholes might also enable time travel, allowing you to visit different eras of the universe's history.


Now discuss another fascinating consequence of general theory called frame dragging or Lense thirring effect. This is like when massive objects rotate so due to their rotation the space-time around it also drags and moves causing the nearby objects to experience a kind of dragging effect. Think like you have a rubber sheet and a fast-moving big-size ball when you will place the moving ball on the rubber sheet the rubber sheet will also move due to the rotation of the ball that’s what frame dragging is. Scientists wanted to test this idea and the spacecraft named Gravity Prob B (GP-B) was sent in Earth’s orbit to observe the effect. ?GP-B? carried very precise gyroscopes. A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity. It is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by itself. Started with gyroscopes whose spin directions were initially fixed in space. The idea was to observe any changes in the gyroscopes' orientation over time. If frame dragging, caused by Earth's rotation, was real, it would cause these gyroscopes to gradually shift direction. The beauty of the GP-B experiment lay in its precision. And indeed, as the spacecraft orbited Earth, it observed tiny but measurable shifts in the gyroscopes' spin directions. Like, imagine the direction was pointing to an observer exactly right so due to frame dragging the direction changed at some angle and now not exactly pointing to a person. These observations matched exactly what Einstein's theory had predicted for frame dragging.

Frame dragging

??????????? Here, I tried to explain the complex things and topics in a simple way. Hope you enjoyed it!


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