General Procedure - Powers of the UPC in the case management
The UPC system is governed by a set of rules on the general procedure, with two offsetting common features: 1) broad powers granted to the Court; and 2) the right of the parties to be heard, as provided for in Article 76, par. 2 UPCA and Rule 264 of the Rules of Procedure (RoP).
First of all, UPC’s powers are evident in the Case Management System (CMS). Article 43 UPCA indeed provides that: “The Court shall actively manage the cases before it in accordance with the Rules of Procedure without impairing the freedom of the parties to determine the subject-matter of, and the supporting evidence for, their case.” This is in fact a procedural rule exclusively referring to the UPC and not to the parties, enshrining the fact that proceedings before the UPC is in the hand of the Court. In particular, Rule 331 of the RoP provides that during written and interim procedures the judge-rapporteur shall be responsible for CSM, whilst after the closure of the interim procedure the responsibility is on the presiding judge in consultation with the judge-rapporteur.
UPC powers are also manifested in the possibility granted to it to organize proceedings efficiently, as it can simply refer to very general principles that are set out in Rule 332 (for instance: encouraging the parties to co-operate with each other during the proceedings; deciding promptly which issues need full investigation and disposing summarily of other issues; deciding the order in which issues are to be resolved; fixing timetables or otherwise controlling the progress of the action)
The powers of the UPC (judge-rapporteur, pending judge or panel) are instead listed under Rule 334 (e.g.: extend or shorten the period for compliance with any rule or order exclude an issue from consideration or dismiss a claim summarily if it has no prospect of succeeding; consolidate any matter or issue or order them to be heard together). ?
Furthermore, UPC’s powers are provided in Rules 335-337: UPC is indeed competent in ?
?? i.???????????vary or revoke case management orders made (Rule 335)
?????ii.??????????exercising case management powers on the application by a party or
of its own motion, unless otherwise provided. (Rule 336)
???? iii.??????????hearing of parties if it makes orders of its own motion (Rule 337)
UPC’s great powers are also evident in dealing with the change of claim.
Change of claim – or amendment of case – is possible before the UPC and the related request can be made at any stage of the proceedings but an explanation as to why the amended part was not originally included in the claim as filed is required. The related leave will be granted only if Court is satisfied that (i) the amendment in question could not have been made earlier with reasonable diligence and (ii) the amendment does not unreasonably hinder the other party (Rule 263).
?UPC has power also for the withdrawal of the action (Rule 265).
The withdrawal is possible until the final decision in the proceedings, i.e. even after the conclusion of the oral proceedings (but before the rendering of the decision).
Claimant may apply to withdraw its action and the Court shall decide the application after hearing the other party, even if the latter’s consent is not required.
The application is not permitted if the other party has a legitimate interest in the action being decided, e.g., for the patentee on decision to confirm the validity of the patent (Rule 265.1 clause 3)
If the action is withdrawn, there will be a decision on termination of proceedings and on costs (R. 150 ff) made by the Court. However, an eventual counterclaim is not affected by the withdrawal, since it is not dependent from the original action. R. 263.2 clause 3 provides that, if both actions are before a local division and the action is withdrawn, the counterclaim for revocation may be referred to the Central Division. The adverse consequence of this scenario is that Central Division will become competent to decide even it is new in the case and shall study it from the start.?
The connection or the separation of proceedings are also subject to UPC decision.
Rule 340 provides that the connection of proceedings is possible in the case of factual connection between the cases: the aim is to avoid inconsistent decisions if more than one case concerning the same patent is pending before different panels, regardless of whether between the same parties. The UPC is competent to issue the relevant decision after hearing of parties and considering the jurisdiction, thus applying Article 33 UPCA. It is also provided that the action may be separated again (Rule 340.2).
Pursuant to Articles 302-303, separation of proceedings is possible in case of plurality of claimants, or defendants and/or of patents.
Furthermore, UPC powers relate to actions bound to fail or manifestly inadmissible.
Indeed, the Court may dispose the action by way of order:
This article is by Mattia Dalla Costa , Alessia Ferraro and Anna Iorio