General Principles of Cylinder Storage and Use

General Principles of Cylinder Storage and Use

General principles of cylinder Storage and Use?

#Compressed_gas_cylinders are used in many workplaces to store gases. Gases contained within cylinders can be toxic, flammable, oxidizing, corrosive, #inert, or some combination of these #hazards. In addition to the chemical hazards, #compressed_gases expose users to physical hazards. Therefore, appropriate care in the handling and #storage of compressed gas cylinders is essential.?

We will allude briefly to compressed gas cylinder #Safety guidelines in terms of identification, storage, handling, hazards, precaution, and use of industrial compressed gas cylinders. The following are general recommendations:?


For the primary identification of the #cylinder, each cylinder shall be legibly marked with the name of the gas. Such marking shall be by means of stenciling, stamping, or labeling. Although these markings should not be readily removable, they still shall not be cut into the metal of the cylinder.?

Color coding is also available as a guide, but it is not a reliable means of identification; cylinder colors vary from supplier to supplier, and labels on caps have no value because many caps are interchangeable. The label found on the cylinders shall be referred to when identifying the contents of the cylinder.?


The cylinder #storage area shall be at least 20 ft (6.1 m) away from flammable/combustible materials and sources of #ignition, such as excessive rise in temperature, physical damage, or tampering by unauthorized persons. ?

Empty and filled cylinders shall be stored differently, and cylinders of the same type shall be placed together. Follow International Standards recommendations for proper segregation and storage amounts. ?

All cylinders shall be stored upright and restrained from toppling. The valves of the cylinder shall be always protected by caps except when the cylinder is being used or charged. ?


Personnel may move compressed gas cylinders only when the valve is closed, the regulator has been removed and the safety cap is securely in place.?

Cylinders transported by wheeled trucks must be fastened securely in an upright position so that they will not fall or strike each other. ?

Only one cylinder should be handled (moved) at a time and always use a cylinder cart to move compressed gas cylinders. Refrain from sliding, dragging, or rolling cylinders on their edge.?

Handling and Use

Test lines and #equipment before they are used. All cylinders shall be used properly and correctly to prevent any #leaks. Any leaks shall be located using ‘soapy’ water and a brush. Any cylinders that are found leaking shall be withdrawn from service.?

Workers assigned to the handling of cylinders under pressure should be professionally trained and always wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (#PPE).?

Cylinders should be secured in a boot or by a chain to a fixed support to prevent them from being dropped or from falling over.?

Cylinder #valves shall be closed when the work is stopped even for a few minutes.?

Ali Askari

Behnoosh Hosseini


#gas #gascylinder #gas_cylinder #compressedgas #safety #storage #hazards #flammable #indusrtial_gas ?


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