Be it known to all whom it may concern that I/we,................................ hereby nominate, appoint and constitute ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................... as my/our lawful legal General attorney and authorize him/her to do the following acts, deeds and things for and on my/our behalf and in my/our name in respect of Property bearing No.......................................................................... (hereinafter called the said property), and I/we do hereby empower my/our said attorney to do the following acts, deeds and things in my/our name and on my/our behalf in respect of the said property only: -

1. To manage, control and supervise the affairs of the said property and for the purpose, to have the physical possession thereof, to represent me/us before any office/authority of any State/Central Government or local body, that is, MCD/L&DO/Competent Authority which may be connected and/or concerned with the said property in any manner whatsoever and to make any statement, application, affidavit, undertaking etc. for and on my/our behalf and in my/our name in respect of the said property or any matter incidental thereto.

2. To negotiate, to enter into agreement to sell, to collaborate or dispose off or transfer by way of exchange, mortgage, lease, sale (whether permanently or for long or short period) entire plot of land or any part thereof, on such terms, which my/our attorney may in his/her sole discretion deem fit and proper, with any person, whosoever, and to enter into any agreement with the intending purchaser, to receive earnest money/full and final payment in his/her own name or in the name of his/her nominee(s) and give receipts thereof.

3. To apply for Income Tax Clearance Certificate, if so required, for the sale/transfer of my/our rights, interests, liens and titles in the said property or any part thereof, from the Office of the concerned Income Tax Officer, in Form 34-A, under the provisions of Section 230-A(i) of the Income Tax Act-1961, and for the purpose to do all acts, deeds and things which is/are necessary for the purpose.

4. To execute, sign and present for Registration, before proper Registering Authority, proper sale/conveyance Deed for conveying my/our rights, interests, liens and titles in the said property or any part thereof, in favour of the intending purchaser (s) and for the purpose of conveying the same absolutely and for ever, in favour of the intending purchaser or his/her nominee (s) to do all acts, deeds and things which is/are necessary for the purpose i. e., to receive the consideration thereof, and to admit the receipt thereof, and deliver the possession thereof, to the said purchaser of his/ her nominees(s), either physical or constructive, as may be feasible.

5. To apply for conversion into free-hold of the said property from L&DO/or any concerned authority and for the purpose to make any application, affidavit. Indemnity Bond, declaration etc. before the Competent authority and pay the requisite fee/charges/Duty, if any, to seek conversion from leasehold system into free-hold in favour of intending purchaser(s) or his/her nominee(s).

6. And Generally to do all other acts, deeds and things which my/our said attorney may deem fit and proper for the management, control and supervision of the said property, even though the same is/are not mentioned here in this document.

AND I/we, the EXECUTANT, do hereby specifically mention that the acts, deeds and things done or got done by my/our attorney by virtue of this power of attorney, in respect of the said property be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me/us personally, as if I/we am/are present.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I/we, have Executed this General Power of Attorney which shall be irrevocable, at..................... on this............................. day of........................................ in the presence of the following witnesses.






