The General Insider - Volume 72
Scout Out Opioids
Last month, my office in collaboration with the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics (MBN) and the Andrew Jackson Council of the Boy Scouts of America, hosted?Scout Out Opioids, a program to raise awareness with Scouts and their families about the dangers of opioids and techniques for reducing the possibility of opioid abuse and misuse for them and their loved ones.
As part of?Scout Out Opioids, Scouts at Winter Camp at Hood Scout Reservation in Hazlehurst, Mississippi received a special?Scout Out Opioids?patch?and heard from experts on opioid addiction and abuse, including Colonel Steven Maxwell, MBN Director; staff from the Attorney General’s Office; and Jeffrey Harvey with Hinds Behavioral Health Services, a recovering addict who works with Stand Up Mississippi, a multi-agency partnership to end opioid abuse. Opioid abuse is an epidemic in Mississippi and across the country. Starting early with educating young children and adolescents about the dangers of opioids and the importance of staying away from their misuse is vital to saving lives.?
Thanks to a donation by the National Child ID Program, participating Scouts and their families also received free Family Safety Kits.?Each Kit includes:
Republican Women Offer Real Solutions for Empowering Women in Need
Earlier this week, I published an op-ed with the Daily Signal on how?Republican women offer real solutions for empowering women in need.?We need to enact solutions, for example, that make childcare more affordable and accessible, that enhance child support enforcement, encourage workplace flexibility, support pregnant and new mothers and their children, streamline adoption, and improve foster care.
True empowerment comes in providing a woman with the support she needs when she lacks hope, when she feels alone, and when her circumstances make it difficult to see a pathway forward for her and her children. True empowerment is about providing her with the options that help her build a better life for herself and her family—a life that stands on a solid foundation of her own sense of dignity and worth.
The women that need our help right now are often without job training or education. They may have fled an abusive relationship or be without family support. They are among the more than 60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck.?Republican women have been crafting real solutions to uplift these women. As the gavel passes to them in the House, we have an opportunity to act on their vision.
Read the full op-ed?here.
Holding Big Tech Accountable
Earlier this week, I announced that Mississippi joined a Tennessee-led coalition of 25 States and the District of Columbia, in filing an amicus brief at the United States Supreme Court in?Gonzalez v. Google. The brief urges the Court to interpret Section 230 of the federal Communications Decency Act narrowly to ensure technology companies remain accountable to state consumer protection laws.?
The?Gonzalez?case marks the first time the United States Supreme Court has addressed the meaning of Section 230, which was passed into law in 1996. In the brief, the States explain that the judicial expansion of internet “publisher” immunity under Section 230 has severely hampered their ability to remedy internet-related wrongs.?The brief states,?“What was enacted as a narrow protection from defamation liability has become an all-purpose license to exploit and profit from harmful third-party conduct, with ordinary people left to pay the price.”?
If the Supreme Court reverses the lower courts’ ruling and adopts a narrower interpretation of the law based on the actual text of the statute, companies could no longer claim blanket immunity under Section 230 and States could hold technology companies accountable for unfair and deceptive conduct toward consumers.?
Section 230 has become a gaping loophole for Big Tech. It is used to evade responsibility to consumers, to citizen free speech, and more.?We must hold them accountable.
Putting Biden VA on Notice
Last month, I led a coalition of 15 Attorneys General, writing Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough to challenge a new rule providing access to abortions and abortion counseling at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities for veterans and CHAMPVA beneficiaries.
On July 8, 2022, President Biden issued an executive order directing a cross-government initiative to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in?Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The?Dobbs?decision returned abortion policymaking to the people through their elected representatives. In response to the President’s directive, on September 9, the VA adopted a new interim rule that makes taxpayer-funded abortions and abortion counseling available for certain veterans and beneficiaries. Those services had previously been expressly excluded from the medical benefits package under VA regulations.
In our letter, my fellow Attorneys General and I put Secretary McDonough on notice that we are prepared to act if the Administration uses this rule to circumvent state laws regulating abortion:
"We will not allow you to use this rule to erect a regime of elective abortions that defy state laws. We stand ready to move decisively against departures from the rule’s terms or its promises. And we will enforce our duly enacted state laws and hold you accountable for violations of federal law. Those who perform abortions based on the interim final rule – and in defiance of state or federal laws – do so at their own risk."
Read the full letter?here.
Seeking Justice for Farmers Harmed by Express Grain Fraud
Earlier this week, I made the following statement regarding?State v John Coleman:
Last Tuesday, November 29, 2022, upon appearance by Attorney General’s Office prosecutors, a grand jury in Leflore County, Mississippi returned a true bill charging John Coleman, former CEO of Express Grain Terminals, LLC, with five counts of making false representations to defraud government and one count of false pretenses.?My office will continue to prosecute this case to the fullest and to work with other state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Mississippi, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, to ensure the best possible outcome for the individuals and taxpayers harmed by the underlying fraud in this case. We will not make further public comment on this matter while it remains in active litigation.