The General Election and Water Quality: Where do the four main parties stand?
Proteus Instruments
The worlds only award winning, scientifically proven and patented real time BOD sensor
With the election fast approaching, and all manifestos launched; how do the main UK political parties promise to deliver on water??
N.B. Parties were selected as “top four” based on seats held at the dissolution of the most recent parliamentary session.??
The conservative party are the current overall parliamentary majority, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.??
The manifesto promises:?
The labour party form the majority of the opposition seats in the current parliament and are considered one of the main parties with the conservatives.??
The manifesto promises:?
Liberal Democrats?
The Liberal Democrats held the third majority at the dissolution of the most recent parliament.??
The manifesto promises:?
Scottish National Party?
The Scottish National Party currently only stand for seats in Scotland but hold the final of the top four majority of MPs of the most recent parliament.??
There are no specific manifesto promises regarding water quality, with the only water mention being in relation to fishing policies. Within their wider policies section through the SNP website, environment-water related policies mainly referred to marine policies and increasing marine protected areas.???
Our impression of the key takeaways from the top four parties:?
Proteus Instruments has written this piece as a factual, unbiased informer as to the manifesto points of the top four political majorities in the UK parliament at its dissolution in 2024. Any interpretation of bias or favouring is accidental and should not be taken as indicative of the company or any of its employees’ political position.??
Should you wish to find out more about water quality, the environment, and how you can connect with candidates, the following links may be of help:?