GENERAL CHECK LIST FOR FACTORIES (minimum requirements) – Complier ,Bharat Vedpathak – Head – Human Resource Laxmi Hydraulics (P) Ltd,Solapur
Registration and license are must.
Covers all the workers employed including contract workers.
?Health and safety:
Cleanliness, proper ventilation, lighting (65 lux), drinking water, separate toilets for male and female workers
?Drinking water:
If exceeds 250 workers cooled water during hot seasons.
4.5 litres per day per worker.
1 water outlet for every 150 upto 500 workers and thereafter 1 for every 500 workers.
Drinking water center /outlet to be available within 50 meters.
?Latrines and urinals:
Separate for male and female workers.
1 for every 20 female workers. 1 for every 20 male workers upto 100& thereafter one for every 50.
?Fencing of machinery:
Floors stirs and means of access should be of sound construction and free from obstructions.
Pits sumps openings in floors etc. should be covered.
?Safety Officers:
One Safety officer for one thousand or more workers.
?First aid appliances:
One for every one hundred and fifty workers
More than five hundred workers ambulance room to be maintained with equipments, a medical practitioner assisted by a qualified nurse.
more than 250 workers
?Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms:
more than 150 workers
?Welfare Officers:
five hundred to 2000 workers – 1 Welfare officer
Above 2000 workers – one additional welfare officer for every 2000 workers.
?Working hours:
48 hours in a week, 8 hours per day.
?Weekly Holiday:
first day of the week or any one of the day of the week.
?Compensatory holidays
Those worked on Sunday/weekly off to be compensated before/after 3 days of that Sunday/weekly off.?
?Daily hours: Not more than 9 hours. 48 hrs per week
?Intervals for rest: No period of work should exceed 5 hours with out a break of half an hour
?Spread over: Ten and a half hours in a day including interval
?Extra wages for overtime: Twice the wages
?Notice of period of work for adults: Overtime not to exceed 50 hours in a quarter. Should not exceed 60 hrs in a week including over time. If exemption obtained it can go upto 75hrs per quarter
?Employment of women: Employment of women in shifts with specific instruction laid down by Honble Supreme Court of India.
?Annual leave with wages:
One day for every twenty days work that can be availed after completion of 240 days of continuous service.
?Urinals: One for every 50 upto 500 workers and thereafter one for every 100.
Fire extinguishers:
One nine litres water bucket for every 100 sq.m of the floor area and nine litre water type extinguisher for every six buckets.? Buckets may be dispensed with if fire extinguishers are adequate. Fire extinguishers /First aid box should be hanged in such a way its bottom should be above 750mm from the floor level. Fire buckets should be above720mm from the floor level.
First aid and Fire extinguisher equipments should be available within 15 meters
An exit should be available within 30 meters and for hazardous room it should not above 22.5 meters.
Exit pathway under any circumstances should not less than 90cms.
Each step height should not be above 19cms and not more than 12 steps per flight.
Stair case width should be minimum 100cms and the height handrails should not less than 100 cms.
?Creches: If more than 30 women are employed. Creche attendant should be appointed.
?Ambulance room: At least 24 sq. meters separated floor area with at least one latrine and urinal with all the items prescribed under the in charge of a qualified medical practitioner? assisted by at least one qualified nurse.
?Accident Report to Statutory Authorities (TO IF): Form No.18 – Accident report (In case of fatal/likely to be fatal within 12 hours of the accident to CIF, IF, SDO, DM and Nearest PS. In other cases, injury prevents for a period of 48 hours within 24 hours of the expiry of 48 hours to IF.
Form No.18A – Report of Dangerous Occurrence (within 12 hours to CIF, IF, DM, SDO and nearest PS).
If an injured person returns to work within 21 days of the accident, a final report may be sent to the IF within 7 days.
If an injured person not returns to work within 21 days of the accident, Form No.18B – Report of further details of Accident (To be submitted to IF within 7 days of the expiry of 21 days of the occurrence of the accident and for every fortnight till the date the injured returns to work and the final report is sent).
Form 26 and 26A – Registers to be maintained in the factory.
Accident Report to Statutory Authorities (TO ESI): Form No.12 Report of accident to be sent to nearest ESI branch office & Insurance medical officer immediately for death or likely to cause death or permanent disablement. In any other cases, within 24hours of the receipt of the notice of accident. Form No.11 Accident book to be maintained in the factory.
?Festival Holidays: Minimum 9 days in a year.
?Young persons aged between 15 and 18 should not be employed on dangerous machines & in hazardous operations without training and supervision.
?Children between 14 & 15 and adolescent ie below 18 years should not be employed Unless certified by a certifying surgeon.( from inspector of factories).
Alarm, Time cards, Masks, Ear plugs, Aprons, Yellow markings on the floor, Exit markings, Illuminated boards, Yellow markings all panel boards, Guards, goggles etc.
?Pressure Vessels Examinations:
Six months once – External Testing – Rs.200/- for each PV
Two Years once – Hydro static testing – Rs.2000/- for each PV or
Four years once – UT – Rs.4000/- for each PV
Factories which employ more than 20 workers.
Contract labour is included but casual and trainees are excluded.
All workers getting salary below Rs.15000 per month and all those who already a member of PF.
Covered from day one of employment.
PF code number to be obtained.
Employers’ contribution 12%.? Equal contribution from employees.
Administrative charges 0.5% for PF and 0.5% for deposit linked insurance scheme to be remitted by the employer.
All the workers including casual and temporary workers getting salary below Rs 21000 pm are entitled.
Employers contribution 3.25% Employees contribution 0.75% of the wages ( all the remunerations including allowances)
·????? All factories where 20 or more contract workers are engaged.
·????? Should be registered and license to be taken by the contractor.
·????? Welfare and safety as per the factories act.
·????? Wages to be paid in the presence of the authorized representative of the management. If the contractor fails to pay the wages the principal employer has to pay.
·????? Minimum wages to be paid.
·????? PF and ESI to be remitted.
·????? Covers all categories of workers.? Minimum wages as per the existing rules of the State Government – Gazette notification.
·????? Covers all the workers except apprentices.
·????? Minimum bonus 8.33% on Basic and DA
·????? Eligibility – workers drawing salary upto Rs.21,000 pm (Basic & DA) worked for minimum 30 days.
·????? Maximum ceiling for the bonus– Rs.7000 (Basic & DA)
All employees are covered except apprentices on completion of five years continuous service. Form F to filed for those who have completed one year of continuous service.
Wages should be paid before 7th of every month if the strength is below 1000 workers.? If exceeds 1000 workers, should be paid before 10th of every month.
Child means persons not completed 14 years of age.
?WAGES??? ?????:? Gross wages divided by 26 x number of days present or Gross wages less LOP wages.
OVER TIME :?? Gross wages divided by (26 x 8) X number of OT hours x 2.
GRATUITY? :??? Wages(Basic and DA) divided by 26 x 15 x no. of years service.
BONUS ????????:??? Earned wages ( Basic and DA) x 8.33%.
EL encashment : Gross wages divided by 26 x number of unveiled EL days