Gene Geneii
Jill Wigmore-Welsh MSc HCPC FRSPH
Rehabilitation Consultant, Business Mindset & Lifestyle Strategy Coach, Psychologist & AP Physiotherapist #NerodivergentThriver NLP Master Trainer #ADHD #Burnout #ChronicHealthConditions
I'm proud of my genes
My genes serve me well
They have served generations before me
They have small chunk areas of coding that gave me my hair
My code gave me my deep green eyes.
My genes also gave me my rare condition Scheuermann's
My Dyslexia, my Periodontitis
My tendency for my immune to respond as it does
For some of my childhood anxiety
And so much more.
My genes passed from me to my children.
The colour blind gene came to me but wasn't expressed
Went on to my son who is color blind
There are so many small pieces of code
Understanding coding is freeing
It's also a leveling
Because no code is better than another.
Your code may mean you have easy phonological capability
My code may mean my way is multidimensional
Your code may mean you do linear, need a logical explanation
My code may mean my way is feelings
We are equals
You have your health constraints through your code
We both have health constraints through our code
We both express some problems and not others,
There should be no victim-hood to genes
You are not a prisoner of your genes.
Your identity is not your genes.
You can take it as your identity
You can take on the label.
Maybe your code means you need a logical explanation
That's OK
But not if you let that be an inability to understand
Well that would be a prisoner to code.
To be a prisoner to code means you don't accept
It would be like me not accepting my green eyes
It is an intellectual shift
To take on that your medical label is only for treatment purposes
To accept that it's no a real thing
Yes you manifest symptoms & problems
That's mostly your code & your life
Think about it.
And when you've thought
If you use your body in your work
If you use your eyes, ears, voice
If you use your hands, spine, arms, legs, feet
If you digest food and breath
Can I ask you some questions?
If you use your body in your business
If yes, what are your struggles with it?
Among these struggles/challenges
Among the everyday mish-mash
Which among these is the biggest challenge/struggle for you?
I’m not going to try to sell you or anything
But I'd really value your input
So I’m on the right track
Only creating stuff/offerings that people truly want.
This would really help me out.
You'd be very kind
Answer it in your own time
There's no rush
This can be done on the phone, just you and me talking
Thank you
xXx J