Gene Editing Technology in Agriculture: A Strategy Discussion with Vietnam as a Case Study
Photo taken by me at a groceries store in Palmira, Colombia

Gene Editing Technology in Agriculture: A Strategy Discussion with Vietnam as a Case Study

Gene editing technology can be used to make precise, targeted changes to one or more target genes in plants and animals. When it targets genes that determine traits, it can change that specific trait in a desired direction. Thanks to this remarkable capability, people are expecting this technology to create a revolution in the breeding and trait development of plants and animals. In this article, I propose criteria for discussion to determine what Vietnam should do to get the most benefit from this technology to support the development of Vietnam’s Agriculture.

One of the benefits that is highly appreciated for gene editing technology is that it can create new plant and animal varieties that are similar to those created by the conventional breeding methods that have been used in agriculture for over a century, but more precisely and by design. Because of that, it is expected the regulatory framework and risk management system for plants and animals created by the gene editing method will be shortened and simplified, thereby reducing unnecessary costs and time in the process of research, development, evaluation and bringing products to consumers. This point is highly appreciated because it reduces entry barriers for the traits as well as trait developers.

CRISPR gene editing technology is now widely used in molecular biology and cell biology laboratories for functional genomics research, plant biotechnology, and breeding. For CRISPR gene editing tools specifically, the relative ease and low cost of programming the Cas nuclease has made gene editing accessible to laboratories around the world. It has been said that CRISPR has ‘democratized’ plant genetic engineering such that it is not limited to a few large multi-national companies. Table 1 and Figure 1 list some of the multinational corporations and startups that are investing in research and development of new varieties based on gene editing technology and new technologies.

CRISPR gene editing technology allows for the creation of specific genetic changes in the way that researchers design, including substitution mutations (Base editing, Prime Edit), however, with the current platform, this technology is still strongest in creating small deletions or insertions that disrupt gene function. That is, this technology is currently stronger in creating new traits by inactivating genes than by activating genes. This is similar to the effect that RNAi technology delivers but much better in terms of managing off-target effects. Although in principle, it is possible that one can activate a gene by editing to enrich certain cis-acting elements in the corresponding promoter.

The success of any gene-edited projects to develop new traits relies heavily on our knowledge of the genes’ functions in relation to the expected traits. At some points, it is also the interaction between the genes and various environmental scenarios. One characteristic that can challenge the application of this technology when developing new traits is the complexity of the plant and animal genome, leading to many genes with high sequence similarity. Even in plants, there are often gene families for each function, which have high sequence homology but also have highly differentiated sub-functionalization, not to mention some crops with polyploid genomes (Example: Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum), making it challenging to accurately target a specific member of a gene, if that is required. On the other hand, depending on the traits to be developed, in some cases it is necessary to edit multiple members of a gene family (i.e. that whole gene family) to achieve the desired outcome. To solve the problem of unintended (off-target) mutations, one can rely on the careful selection of sequences that are unique to the specific gene targets, which requires excellent genome sequence information. In case it is still not possible to eliminate the unintended effect, then one can continue through selection of the mutant individuals to collect the individual carrying only the desired mutation. With the development of next-generation genome sequencing technology, the cost of sequencing as well as the capacity of bioinformatics analysis allows this to be done.

With the powerful capability of CRISPR gene editing, it is perfectly reasonable to expect this technology to bring about a revolution (a game changer) in crop and livestock trait development. This will not only benefit agricultural producers, but also consumers and the whole value chain, even the planet. So, what does Vietnam need to do to benefit the most from this "revolution”?

Currently, the scientific community of Vietnam is very enthusiastic and hopeful about this technology. This is an opportunity to call for collaborations and to jointly develop products based on this technology, and to deliver value for socio-economic development. However, to achieve this requires a suitable strategy and synchronous policies from the research and development stage, regulatory framework for risk management, and go-to-market approach. In addition, the aspects of intellectual property protection and compliance, as well as how to coordinate the strengths between the public and private sectors in these programs, also need to be discussed and defined. Remember that twenty years ago, the enthusiasm of Vietnamese scientists for transgenic technology in agriculture was also very high, but so far no transgenic product developed by Vietnamese scientists has been commercialized.

Selection of traits for product development

As with the previous transgenic technology, gene editing technology is not a "magic bullet." It is a tool. It will not solve the challenges of Vietnamese agriculture on its own, including the problems of sustainable agricultural development and greenhouse gas emission reduction. It can, however, provide an additional approach to solve existing problems, if an appropriate strategy is in place. The problems that need to be solved, and the traits that need to be developed, will probably not change, regardless of whether or not gene editing technology is available. When choosing traits to focus on investing in and developing, socioeconomic impact should be given high priority, and here are many questions to be addressed: What problem does this trait solve? What value will it bring (or protect)? Is this trait a specific problem of Vietnamese agriculture, or of countries in the region, or of the industry in general? If it is an industry problem, should we develop it ourselves or "import" it? Does the scientific basis for this trait exist? If so, is it currently protected by any patents? Is gene editing the only way to solve this problem? How competitive is the gene editing solution compared to other solutions? A specific example is that non-profit, non-governmental organizations such as Gates Ag One (a Division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that focuses on agriculture innovation) focus on funding the development of traits that bring socio-economic benefits to vulnerable groups. These traits may have low commercial value (as per traditional business models), so these traits are usually not attractive to the private sector for development. Should public/government funding agencies of Vietnam follow the same approach?

Some traits of interest for new crop varieties:

  • High yield, efficient fertilizer use, and more efficient coordination between soil microorganisms and crops.
  • Traits that help reduce cultivation costs and reduce dependence on manual labor in production.
  • Traits that are resistant to pests, diseases, drought, salinity, and lodging.
  • Traits that help apply cultivation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or adapt to climate change.
  • Traits related to consumer preferences, valuable post-harvest traits (long shelf life, easy to process, etc.).

Some traits of interest for new livestock breeds:

  • Increased productivity/yield, protein quality.
  • Disease resistance
  • Improved animal welfare (e.g., hornless trait, for animal and worker safety, etc.)
  • Traits that adapt to climate change and minimize environmental impact (e.g., reduced methane emissions from ruminants, etc.)

Building supporting platforms for the application and development of gene editing in Ag:

To understand the basic principle of gene and trait (phenotype) correlations, and to develop and apply gene editing technology in agriculture, it is necessary to develop human resources and supporting platforms. The following are some points that need to be focused on and invested in:

Invest in training the next generation of scientists with solid knowledge and experience not only in areas directly related to gene editing but also in supporting technologies, such as in vitro fertilization in livestock, plant transformation, next-generation genome sequencing, and high throughput phenotyping techniques.

Continue to invest in research to identify target genes that determine traits in crops of interest to Vietnam from functional genomics research or analysis of trait-related genotype-phenotype polymorphism from natural variations as a scientific basis for editing to create new traits.

Establish a germplasm bank for crops and livestock. Develop a mechanism for sharing resources and sharing benefit from research results. As with previous transgenic technology, some components of gene editing technology are already protected by intellectual property. In order to commercialize products, it may be necessary to obtain appropriate freedom to operate.

Establish partnership with key players in each field, including the private sector and foreign partners. In fact, when scientists research and develop new traits with gene editing, they will most likely do so in lines and varieties that are commonly used in laboratories. To bring new traits into commercializable products, it is necessary to cooperate with partners who have the elite germplasm currently being used for commercial products. In addition, those commercial partners will bring in the capability to develop the market and reach out to customers more efficiently. Currently, in Vietnam, there are also private scientific research organizations. Having a supporting policy to encourage them to participate in cooperation with scientists in the public sector will only promote success.

Finally, should we, Vietnamese academic and industry scientists, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, farmers and agriculture groups, the food industry, and the general public, establish a consortium to develop a roadmap for the application of this technology in Vietnam’s agricultural sector?

Regulatory framework for risk management and authorization of the use of crop and livestock varieties created by gene editing technology:

It can be said that this is a stage that determines the success of applying gene editing technology in developing new agricultural varieties. All the values that a new product can bring will still only be potential until it is actually put into commercialization - when it can create value for society and recover investment costs. There have been many articles, including by the author [1], on the potential of gene editing technology in crop breeding, as well as the risk management approaches that some countries have chosen to manage products created by this technology. The choice of which management approach to use is up to the state management agency, which, in the case of Vietnam, includes the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The final choice is usually considered based on the risk impact on consumer health, the environment, and economic and market values. To promote the safe application of this technology and to reduce unnecessary costs and time, it is possible to consider building a platform to allow "data interoperability", meaning that evaluation results in one country can be considered for evaluation in another country when common requirements are met. Timely establishment of an enabling regulatory framework is necessary to move forward to next steps of the gene-edited products recently developed by Vietnamese scientists [2],[3] for socioeconomic benefits.

Tien Dung LE, PhD

[1] Le Tien Dung and Le Thi Ngoc Quynh (2017) CRISPR/Cas – Thành t?u m?i trong c?i thi?n di truy?n cay n?ng nghi?p. VJST, 6: 45-47. (In Vietnamese language)

[2] Le et al., (2020) CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout of Galactinol Synthase-Encoding Genes Reduces Raffinose Family Oligosaccharide Levels in Soybean Seeds. Frontiers in Plant Science 11.

[3] Le et al., (2022) Simultaneously induced mutations in eIF4E genes by CRISPR/Cas9 enhance PVY resistance in tobacco. Scientific Reports 12(1):14627

Diana Buzas

Molecular biologist, culture learning enthusiast and cacti snob

7 个月

Gene editing is great, two decades ago, I could not even dream it will be possible so fast. In the same time, there are bottlenecks still 1. gene editing is still relying on a fragile dance between the magic ability of plants to regenerate full organisms from single cells and an amazingly fortuitous case of natural engineering into those single cells by a bacterium 2. regulations and policies- scientists and public need to lineup on what should be permitted- that's not trivial because they cannot even communicate effectively 3. lack of truely interdisciplinary methods to predict ahead - an edited organism may be useful today but not in the future. and so on...

Rajesh Munshi

Rice Seed Portfolio Asia at Bayer | P&L | Marketing & Product Management | Customer Experience | Collaborator | Influencer

7 个月

Simply Gene ?? editing could be next big thing in Rice ?? Germplasm faster development !

Tien Dung Le

Seed Production Operation | Product Supply Expert | Biotech Trait Agronomy | Molecular Biology

7 个月

Here is similar line of discussion for Africa.

Phat Do

Head of Plant Cell Biotechnology Laboratory at Institute of Biotechnology. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

7 个月

Looking forward to meeting you at the VAPB2024, April 11-12, 2024.

