Gender Inclusion
How to Make Your Workplace Gender Inclusive.
You all may be familiar with the word gender diversity but how many of you understand the term inclusivity? Some may even misconstrue inclusivity as mere inclusion and often confuse it with diversity. Diversity refers to the varied characteristics of individuals like age, gender, ethnicity, physical abilities, education, etc. The strategies which firms use to integrate everyone in the workplace, allowing their differences to coexist in a mutually beneficial way, are referred to as inclusion. In short, inclusion is the tool to make diversity work. A gender-inclusive workplace performs better as everyone feels recognised in such an environment. Mere representation in the workforce or pay equity won't guarantee gender inclusivity unless systemic and strategic measures at the foundational level are implemented to create a condition of acceptance. The process of inclusivity should start from hiring itself. This means both hiring a candidate without any bias to their gender and also acknowledging candidates’ gender-related concerns and requirements. An organisation’s inclusivity approach and policies should be communicated and highlighted clearly and also should be implemented. HRs should look into zero discrimination policies and workplace harassment based on gender identity. Often overlooked instances like derogatory casual remarks or offensive comments passed on as jokes should also be checked to make a workplace inclusive. The physical environment that people work in also contributes to inclusivity.
Gender-friendly washrooms, private space for feeding mothers, and other such modifications can be made after consulting employees. Offering equal and transparent job opportunities is important in implementing gender inclusivity. Baseless prejudices like one gender is better than the other in running an organisation or heading a project can affect the inclusivity in a workspace. Gender sensitization should be achieved in the workplace through campaigns, programs, etc to put inclusivity to practice. A gender-inclusive workspace is beneficial for both employers and employees. Increased performance of the individual boosts the performance of the institution they are working for. Gender inclusion has several advantages, including access to a wider talent pool as the hiring spectrum is diverse, improved employee retention because of the work-friendly environment, a larger client base due to diversity in service providers’ side, and improved workplace participation.