Gender equality in EU research

Gender equality in EU research

Gender is an important dimension of research, and this is reflected in the work of the Europen Commission's science and innovation services.

For International Women’s Day, we have put together a small list of resources that can help us reflect on women’s position in European society, in scientific institutions and in EU-financed research:


Check out data about gender equality in the EU

The Joint Research Centre runs the Gender Equality Strategy Monitoring Portal, a website hosting maps and charts to follow trends on gender equality in EU countries.


Come to an online event on gender-based violence in research organisations

Gender-based violence remains an issue in research and innovation organisations

Join our upcoming session dedicated to fostering a European Research Area free from gender-based violence, at the 2024 European Research & Innovation Days.

??? 21 March at 16:40?CET

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Discover an EU -financed Nobel Laureate

The European Research Executive Agency interviewed Dr. Anne L’Huillier, 2023 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics and former Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions beneficiary.

She spoke about her path to science and the importance of inspiring more young women researchers to embrace STEM careers.


See what the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation has to say

Read Commissioner Iliana Ivanova's op-ed on women in science.


Learn about the gender requirements of Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe, the EU's key funding programme for research and innovation, comes with various obligations related to gender:

  • Gender balance ?between men and women is a ranking criterion for proposals with the same evaluation scores (researchers participating can also declare their gender as "non-binary”, but this figure is currently too low to be taken into account as a ranking criterion.)
  • Having a Gender Equality Plan is an eligibility criterion for all organisations applying for the programme.
  • Integrating the gender dimension is a mandatory requirement in Horizon Europe (unless a topic explicitly specifies otherwise). This means research projects have to analyse and take into account the possible differences between men and women, biological characteristics as well as the social and cultural features.

Apply to become a Horizon Europe evaluator

Experts are essential in the evaluation of project proposals that the European Commission receives. They help us select projects for funding and monitor the implementation of funded projects.

Women made up 42% of evaluation panels under Horizon 2020 - the EU's framework programme for research from 2014 to 2020 - meeting the 40% requirement.

For Horizon Europe, the EU's current framework programme, we want to reach #GenderEquality.

We are looking for professionals working in the following sectors:

  • Industry, business associations and innovation agencies
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations
  • Local, regional and national administration
  • International organisations
  • Universities and research organisations

Apply, get involved and help us select the future of European research.



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