Gender Diversity - Leaping across the Chasm
Gender equality is a common focal point for many organizations. Diversity in a global business climate requires a firm commitment to break through the “glass ceiling”. In 2017, many barriers exist for women as there were 20 years ago. While women have made significant strides since the birth of feminism; there is still much work to be done. According to an article posted by Judith Warner and Danielle Corley; women continue to substantially lag behind their male counterparts in leadership positions. The gap further widens for minority women. How can leaders and diversity advocates cross the chasm to make a more meaningful impact?
Here are a few tips on making the leap:
1) Live – I recently had a conversation with a colleague whom I highly respect. I admire the way she lives diversity beyond the workplace by surrounding herself with different cultures, friends, and experiences. It is woven into the beautiful fabric of her life. As a result, she has cultivated a diverse workforce comprised of innovative and forward thinking leaders.
2) Learn – cultural competence is the knowledge of how to successfully navigate cross-cultural differences. Beyond bias, what would happen if leaders took time to learn about other cultures and how to better communicate? It would have an impact on inclusion, which happens at the intersection of knowledge, acceptance, and respect in heterogeneous groups.
3) Listen – when companies moved from employee satisfaction to engagement surveys, many added one or two diversity related questions. It is not the question that is important but rather the interpretation. For example, asking if one understands the value of diversity is different than asking if you have their buy-in. Understanding alone doesn’t necessarily mean agreement. Whereas buy-in translates to commitment and the belief in making an impact.
Workforce diversity is not achieved with a one-size fits all strategy; it is complex, multi-layered, and constantly evolving. Diverse perspectives and high cultural awareness creates a fertile ground for innovation, gender equality, and global success. In the words of Og Mandino, “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”