The Gen Z's

The Gen Z's

It looks like we're going to be baking these next three days, and today being the first which was not to my liking because the wind started blowing from the south which felt like someone had just opened an oven door. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when Wednesday arrives and we're above 100 degrees. Someone mentioned this morning that Omaha is scheduled to be in the 110 degree range that day.

Most of my morning was filled with getting more work done on pre-closing files, just so I remained ahead of the game because I really don't like people waiting for me to provide something they're in need of. The highlight of my morning, was getting another Prairie Place on 1st condo closed, which now leaves us with only 1 single bedroom unit, and a second floor corner unit offering two bedrooms and two baths. Those middle floor units are the most cost-effective regarding heating and cooling. I dare say you could heat them with a candle. Yes, that's how well insulated they are.

A real estate agent called this morning wanting to know if the owner of the acreage I have listed on 230th St. in Clear Lake, would allow her buyer to do an inspection of that old house because he believes it's salvageable. I told her all I could do was to call and ask, so I did. After talking about it, we decided it would be OK as long as that agent's buyer would sign a statement holding everyone involved harmless in case someone got hurt while walking around inside that old house.

I wouldn't be surprised if that buyer's prognosis of that house comes out as being worthy of restoration because homes built out of old-growth lumber are far more weather resistant than the newer ones. Since that home was likely built in the 1880's, there's no question it contains a number of native timber structural components which would be that exceptionally hard and water-resistant White Oak. Yes, I've personally seen a number of native oak support beams and floor joists when showing homes of that vintage in North Iowa.

Believe it or not, there are still people out there who're more than willing to salvage old country homes and barns for their old-growth structural lumber. I was told some years ago, that the Amish and Mennonite communities in our area are more than willing to freely tear down those vintage structures for every usable board and timber. I personally laud them for their abilities in making something out of what most would have demolished.

As much as I wanted to take several hours off to get some personal chores done, it didn't happen because of the number of phone calls and walk-in's I had at office today. There's not a day that's gone by where I've not had at least two calls on that Clear Lake acreage. I've had several Realtors asking why it hasn't yet sold, and my knee-jerk reaction is the fact that most acreage sales take place in the first six months of a calendar year. Yes, they do sell in the last half, but not nearly the numbers.

One of my walk-in's today was a gentleman who's on the fence in regards to staying put, or selling his home and buying an acreage. I asked why, and his response was, "I just want to get out of this town and away from neighbors." Now if I've heard that reason once, I've heard it a hundred times, and even more-so since this pandemic arrived. We're not only experiencing an inland migration, but also a suburban exodus, which has now caused me to remember an article I read last year regarding that very trend taking place across our Nation. They either want to live very close to their work in a Downtown setting, or out in the hinterland. It'll be interesting to see how popular our once trendy subdivisions hold their values when the Gen Z's enter our market. I know for a fact they have noticeably different aspirations, and many of them I believe to be just OK. Some I've talked to have refreshing ideas about how the world should be sustaining itself.

Not long after that gentleman left, he called and asked if he could just walk around that acreage I have listed. I told him it was fine as long as he didn't attempt to enter that old house. I had to laugh to myself when he mentioned something about not having the stamina to fix up an older home. I looked at him and said, "At your age and the abilities you possess, I'd wager you capable of taking on two or three of them." Yes, it's unfortunate to see so many setting up roadblocks for themselves before even giving something a try.

I did manage to get all the docs I needed from an out of State seller today, so I busied myself with getting the numbers put together and emailed out to the buyers' lender, so it looks like we'll be closing that home this Wednesday instead of Friday. That was another sale that went fast, which was a confirmation we still have a large number of buyers in certain price ranges.

Speaking of buyers, I just noticed a recent sale take place on a home that was not only lipsticked, but also heavily glossed. I showed that home back when it was a disgusting foreclosure, and still remembering the comments I made about it at the time. If those buyers only knew what's under all those glossy layers, they'd be squealing like piggies.

The exterior had changed so much so, I had to go back and find an old photo of it, just to make sure it was the one. Unfortunately I was right. Believe it or not, that once hunk of junk sold for over $200K. I'm just glad I wasn't the agent that sold it to them, because I would've been giving them the real scoop on that home.

Tonight's One-liner is: Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.

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