A Gen. Zr's View on Donald Trump.
Mr. Trump Giving a Speech.

A Gen. Zr's View on Donald Trump.

There has been a notable division in our country. The right vs the left. According to recent statistics and clear evidence in the media, I am inclined to say that my generation supports Hillary most. Before I continue to show you an example of the division in this nation, you must know this about my generation. Last year on November 18 , Jason Dorsey , owner of a top generation study, gave a speech on Ted Talks , enlightening the world about the new Generation Z. He claims that for the first time in the history of generation studies, they are seeing the young generation influence the elder. Before the older generation passed their knowledge to the youth but now it is starting to reverse. I am one of the oldest and one of the only few Gen Zers in the workforce. So I am able to see Trump for what he truly is.

A few days ago one of my young colleagues and fellow generation member, in a sense,oppressed a young lady for simply stating facts/opinion. I took the time to write a powerful yet understandable response for him and for the community. Before reading this message , keep in mind I remained unbiased during the presidential election .


A Message From A Young Gen. Z Member.

Dear Upset Hillary Clinton Supporter,

Allow me to analyze this situation unbiasedly and rationally. Where are your sources? The mainstream media? such as news headlines , T.V , Memes and viral comments on memes? I claim that Hillary Clinton's persuasive strategy was evidently pathos rather than logos because the email leaks and lobbyist which funded her campaign in exchange for perks, killed her logos/credibility. On the other hand Trump’s campaign was reliant upon logos and partly ethos. I can confidently say ,after reviewing this man's campaign and while standing in the same side of the argument as both of you, is that Donald Trump is not guilty of how the mainstream media depicts him and his policies and questions his qualification in the presidency.

With that being said I will begin my argument . Most of Hillary Clinton's supporters are looking at the surface of Trump's campaign. In other words looking at the headlines or, to better phrase it “at the cover of the book”. I saw the same book cover you both saw. I recall being infuriated and alarmed thinking “wtf. this guy is a laughing joke. He claims that he wants to deport all Mexicans kill all of Islam and make America great again. What is this guy thinking? America was never great considering the wars and all the hate and racism in the history of this Nation. These things that he seems to be representing are not so great in American history!” “This guy should not be running or even considered!” So I concluded that i should support Bernie Sanders (now I am glad he is not my president PHEW). I am a “Democrat”and Hillary wasn't the right candidate for me. She is not trustworthy or is healthy enough for this position.

So, this Trump guy that i never heard of  is being described as a great “business man , entertainer and real estate mogul” and he is talking shit insulting others. It did not make sense to me how someone can do such things and run a healthy and successful business. So with an unbiased mentality I questioned the sources where I was receiving my information. Those sources were CNN, ABC, Fox, Celebrities, Minorities , Channel 34 , memes and my generation's thoughts in social media. ( Who owns most of the mainstream media?) Furthermore, I analyzed how Hillary threw out polls that didn't benefit her and I read her leaked emails which clearly and evidently shines light on her convoluted plan, to buy the media and gain traction in her campaign. We all know she is openly supported by lobbyist , which pay politicians and when and if elected to pass policies in their favor.( check your sources before you make an inflated claim again) .After continuing to see how she maniacally laughed at court while being prosecuted by the FBI as if Benghazi was a joke. I was upset. So, i no longer saw the media as credible and it was clear to see that media was promoting her to win. She lost all her credibility and my respect. (although i am still respectful when i address her)

Returning to my point, then I started looking into Trump's campaign. In my conclusion upon solely analyzing his business and finance background , I felt that with his experience and work he has done as a business owner and finance expert, he seemed very capable of doing this job BUT i still felt uncomfortable . You ignorantly claimed crime has not been at its highest in Obama's presidency. They have , in fact the most Americans have died in Obama's term offended , with his comments and character so, i dug deeper and asked more questions. I began to review his campaign (“I read a few chapters of the book”). After reading these words in one of his rallies :

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating

us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest.

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing

drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."

One can conclude that he is referring to the Illegal Immigration problem that is obviously a dilemma in this nation. It is a problem because number one it's “illegal” , against the law . Two in some instances provides illegal cheap labor and exploitation of these migrating people. Lastly ,SOME of the troubled 3rd world country immigrants are joining gangs and bringing drugs and after being caught up selling their poisonous drugs like meth and heroin , They get deported back to their country and end up finding their way back and linger. All because of the flaw in our immigration policy. After reading more of his exact words I started to feel less offended yet concerned about the division it might cause. In addition one can clearly see that claims such as “ I hate immigrants. or Mexicans are rapists. I hate Terrorists” Are inflated statements released as headlines by the mainstream media, as news.Trump said “some I assume are good people” My mom sister and I are good people , I consider my self that “some”. It is clear to see that these inflated claims were headlined by the media which Hillary Clinton evidently bought, and used over Bernie in her run to be the Democratic Party Candidate. It is apparent to also see that she did the same with Trump.

Why am I so confident to claim this? Statistics show that most of Clinton's audience/supporters are generation Z. In fact they are the ones rioting most. As a gen Zer the media is what we use to socialize and I can safely conclude that a lot of us are jumping or have jumped to conclusions. We shared and helped make those headlines viral. This tells me she influenced us the most by using the media's channels to play with our emotions and in a sense divide us .Gen Z is my generation group and Hillary's attack and attempted manipulation of our perception of the campaign, disgusts me.I am concerned because they are claiming unsupported headlines and we are the victims. I don't hate Hillary but I do not like what she represents , globalist lobbyists just like every corrupt president in the past. So in my experience as a Gen Zr we look at the media daily. Sometimes so much that we let it take over our emotions and believe what we see. So the media fed off of that and used it against us.

Anyway, going back to my point after reviewing Trump's videos, i felt guilty for feeling motivated with his policies because of other nasty claims i thought he said. The most controversial one is when he disrespected the media woman and made a period joke. I believe that just how one of the GOP candidates whip-lashed at the moderator because he felt the pressure of the media oppressing his ideals, Donald Trump, felt the same way and since he was fed up with what he read in those emails as well ,he went to extremes to offend that anchor lady. The reason Trump got the majority of the vote is because the majority of Americans believe Trump ,when he says that he will solve the Immigration problem , is not WW3 friendly (his election stopped Obama's goal to instigate Putin and start a world war three . Don't believe me? Do your research) and he deeply believes in rebuilding the United States infrastructure by cutting taxes to everyone . He believes that in recent American history , people have been exploited by globalist presidents like Hillary. Clinton.

Here's an example on how the U.S gov. has oppressed the people. In the Agrarian age the majority of the people were entrepreneurs. Now a lot of people are 9-5 employees.7 in 10 Americans working a 9-5 job want to quit. Right now and in previous history , if a person like you and I wanted to start a business we would have difficulty because of the following scenario. For example , I made a business structure for a multi billion app that will benefit everyone in the world. In the first year my company must use the few millions it makes in the beginning to launch it to the billions in a healthy manner.(according to the labor statistics 66% of businesses don't make it to the second year. hmm) If I make 1 million the government will claim approximately 200-400k. Money that the feds use to GIVE US medical, Obamacare,food stamps , war etc.

Trump believes this is not the American dream. The American dream in which America was founded on. He believes that when you give a government too much money , one we work for them and two they become too powerful. So instead he wants to put the government to work for us. By cutting taxes for EVERYONE so that people like you and I can chase that dream that America was founded on. Because now people can invest the money the government takes to give back to them, and fulfill their own dreams. This will also bring more jobs because companies won't outsource to India or Philippines. You and I will have more money to invest in our life. In essence giving us that pride that WE did it.This is what Trump means by making America great again. By reviving the American dream.

He Just simply, strategically used the republican party to run for president. He DID make rude/mean comments. In his defense for his comments. Allow me to enlighten you. Now bear with me here . You previously claimed out of impulse that the lady in this post and I are “defending or Supporting” Trump. Supporting is what You did with Hillary. I can't vote. I decided not to support anyone. I didn't buy trump shirts , stickers or advocate his presidency. That is supporting. The lady you addressed in your biased comments and I, have previously exchanged dialogue and we both see trump this way that I thoroughly described. You sent her to eat shit , because you UNDOUBTEDLY jumped to the conclusion that she supported trump. Your sources are flawed and you have not read the full book you commented on, therefore your argument is dismantled. Trump disrespected the woman journalist by making a rude comment because she was in a way a threat to HIS believes. YOU insulted this lady because you felt she supported trump and that is a threat to YOUR believe system. Hillary Supporter, you are a well educated individual and a student with a straight A record and this comment you just made does not DEFINE you. Even more so, IT DOES NOT CORRELATE WITH YOUR ABILITY TO PURSUE YOUR STRAIGHT A EDUCATION , AND LAND A COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE! So, it makes absolute no sense, to judge this man for what his rude comments are. Trump in comparison , like yourself is more than qualified to run this nation because he understands business and the economy and he has a “Straight A Record” in these fields JUST. LIKE. YOURSELF.

So let us unite as a community and not define a person's qualifications based on their mistakes or ill wording. For, you ,this young lady and our nation want the same thing: Peace, Equality, and Prosperity.I want to reiterate. I did not support trump in the road to his presidential election. I do not hate Hillary. I just don't think she's the right person to run the nation. This message is not to support or defend trump or offend you. This message is to demonstrate the division right now in our nation. A division that we must overcome together if we want to prosper.

I rest my case with this "Hopefully Trump does as he says and makes us second to none by rebuilding our infrastructure ,making America work for the American people, and allow people like us get more money in our pockets. Mark my words, If trump does as HE says. Within the next 4 years there is no doubt in my mind we will enter new and optimistic times in this Nation. The revitalized American dream will spark entrepreneurship and bring more jobs. The revolutionizing virtual reality gaming system will change marketing. The breakthrough 3D printing technology will revolutionize industries and housing. The new hover board engine and Tesla technology will change our transportation. Growing intelligence with AI technology along with other unaccounted factors, will propel us to a new era that I call “The Future”.


Let us share this and enlighten my generation and others who don't know trumps true colors. Let us also share this for the people ready to capitalize on the American Dream. I understand finance and business. I have been doing it since the age of 7. If you need money for your business contact me now. I can help you whether its debt , expanding or starting up a business I can help. I have funded a lot of small and multi-million dollar companies. I can fund yours too. In the near future business will thrive and so will the economy. If you have a 700+ Credit score i can get you start up capital. if you have an existing business regardless of your credit or loan positions I can help. If you have a property with a high rate and need to refinance I can help too. If you want to flip homes I can help too. If you need to make some big money I can help too. If you have a pipeline and cant fit business owners under a right financing program, message me, I will openly tell you what I can do and hopefully we can make a strong partnership. I am preparing to capitalize and grow my companies are you?

Zafarkhuja Amirov

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7 年

Both are puppets of the politicians and the main causes of war throughout the World. USA (politicians) are EVIL and to blame for the war around the WORLD!!!. In this World there must be an equal right of the nation and not like the bastards want US!.

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