Gen Z in the workforce
The oldest people in Generation Z are about 25 years old at the moment. A large proportion of "zoomers" have already started working full-time, another sizable percentage is just entering the job market. So it's high time for senior managers to take their preferences into account when organizing work and recruiting.?
Features of Generation Z
Generation Z (also known as Gen-Z or zoomers) is the generation born between the second half of the 1990s and the early 2010s. They are the first "digital natives," that is, people who were raised surrounded by modern technology and are comfortable using it. Thanks to the Internet, they have been exposed to the assortment of human cultures and experiences from an early age, making them appreciate diversity and actively seek their own identity. They have even been hailed as "the most diverse generation in history."?
Gen-Z as employees?
Although they rely heavily on technology in their daily lives and often use apps to manage their time, zoomers prefer face-to-face communication. Also importantly, they expect regular feedback from their superiors. Moreover, although teamwork doesn't intimidate them, they feel most motivated in a competitive environment.?
Work is not the most important sphere of their lives, unlike their older counterparts, the millennials. Generation Z works primarily for the money and rarely commits to working beyond their responsibilities. This doesn't mean that they are lazy; it's just that a work-life balance is important to them, and they are ready to switch careers when job burnout hits. It's hardly surprising if we recall that this generation entered the labor market at the time of a pandemic that completely changed the way we think about work.?
Recruiting Generation Z candidates
Young workers are most easily attracted by salary and the promise of work-life balance; these individuals read recruitment ads carefully and are increasingly less likely to tolerate a lack of a salary range and an inadequate workload for the position.?
To reach Generation Z candidates, invest in a modern career tab on your company's website and use a variety of social media channels. Young people entering the job market are eager to take advantage of employee referral programs. It's also worthwhile to partner with university career offices and participate in career fairs. Also devote resources to modernizing your recruitment system; zoomers want fast and transparent recruitment processes.
Need help recruiting for the IT sector? At Curious Geek Lab, we specialize in fast and effective recruiting, regardless of the age of candidates. Contact us via and see how we can help you.