GEN Z… “Mangeon les Riches†…. Rousseau Great Terror of 1794 ….New Century Robber Barons -- Beware...All Not Well - American Third Estate
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Quand le peuple n'aura plus rien à manger, il mangera le riche
When the people have Nothing more to eat- they shall eat the rich
Pierre Gaspard Chaumette – Président Paris Commune
Its kind of remarkable how Eighteen Century French Society has so many striking similarities to our times
The lynchpin that creates this strong correlation is the growing economic inequality in American Society
No one best outlines the scope of these dynamics than Rousseau
His most notable work …..Discourse on Inequality outlines the disparity of society found that the basis of inequality in those that owned private property and those that did not.
Rousseau was greatly influenced by John Locke who argued the construct of a Social Contract that reflected the Natural Rights of Man
These treaties of Enlightenment Liberalism take us further back to great constitutionalist’s Francis Bacon that challenged the absolutism of monarchy
?….Rousseau’s constructs defined the First Estate – The State Church, Second Estate- Nobility and the Third Estate – The People
In 1789 French Clergyman- Abbe Joseph Sieyes published a pamphlet
….Qu'est-ce que le Tiers-état--- What is the Third Estate?
In this influential work he delineated that The French People were an entire nation inclusive to themselves
..still further in the course of their service to the First & Second Estates were the actual people who were running France
The “Riches†of these two estates became increasingly viewed as a parasitical group who provided little added value to the General Welfare of French Society
…far worse as the exploiters whose oppression restricted the natural rights of humanity to Liberty -Equality- Fraternity
?It is by no happenstance the when Thomas Paine writes his famous pamphlet Common Sense that we see the first use of the concept
Life- Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness(Property) for the first time in America
This language of course finds itself firmly anchored to the Declaration of Independence and the National Folklore of Americanism
These influences only further inspire the French Third Estate a decade later
Yet, what happens from 1789 to 1794 is most significant during these years the French Estates worked out in all debates the details of the New French Republic this process there is a complete dehumanization of the First & Second Estates
?Progress was not proceeding quick enough and economic condition were not improving
By October of 1793 when Chaumette echoes these fateful word
….Eat the Rich
A reign of terror ensues in 1794 in which thousands upon thousands were led to the guillotine
This period became known as The Great Terror of 1794
No one was spared – even the likes of renowned philosopher Maximilien Robespierre found his head on a pike to the cheering crowds
Please understand they killed everyone …not even one individual survived
This was seen as the necessary purification of French Society
The 18th Century French Third Estate is very much like our 21st Century Culture Populaire that elected Trump by a landslide
…more than change –these people want Economic Improvement
They are impatient ….as the quality of their life is not good, getting worse despite their efforts to keep afloat
I got my insurance renewal today
50% increase in my Homeowner Policy
30% increase in my Auto Policy
This comes after we absorbed a 500% increase in our Medicare Part D along with increases in Part B
I won’t bore you with a lot of stats but the increases my family has seen on a long list of expenses appears to be excessive ?
Pure Greed by a Plutocratic – Second Estate Corporate Elite who possess no concept of a fair social contract
Their unfettered Greed appears to know no bounds
How much is enough?
….the once four dollar jar of mayonnaise that now costs ten dollars is a symptomatic example of the exploitation of the average citizen/consumer
My challenges personally are of nothing more than inconvenience but my social contract with my fellow members of the American Third Estate
…the Social Gospel that is critically important within my Unified Philosophy of Life
…finds deep resentment to the Leadership Class within American Society
A failed group of individuals who lack even a semblance of ethics and decency
Yes, as Chaumette exclaimed – parasitical – bloodsucking
I was not the least bit surprised that assassination of the United Healthcare CEO brought such widespread public support ?
While I of course deplore the action that deprived a family of their husband and father
The intense pressures that the plutocratic system has placed upon the average individual should make all of us drawn a pause on just giving them carte blanche
Their Greed must be called out for what it is
My greatest fear is in the New Golden Age of Trump 2.0
…the Plutocracy is going to proceed into overdrive in exploiting the Third Estate in American Society
…while I’m not big proponent of DEI as it was taken to an extreme
…my concern is the abject abandonment of these societal gains
Lots of room for mischief by the Leadership Class Elites in Trump 2.0
Meanwhile the DOGE Express to shakedown the corrupt Administrative State is going to be an epic battle
Yet the devil is in the details
…I’m as far away from WDC as one can be but my experienced mind can tells? me the copious amounts of shoe leather that the entrenched Lobbyist Elite have burnt through in the last nearly eight weeks
America’s Second Estate is fighting to preserve their societal hegemony
The jockeying truly must be so desperately pathetic ?
Team Trump has a short widow – honeymoon to show some discernable results ?
…as I said – we want improvement much more than cosmetic change
It will be truly fascinating how they pull this off successfully and yet they must for this was the raison d’etre of the entire Trump Win
As for America’s Robber Baron Class they should muster up their security as unfortunately a copycat incident is coming
For just like the First and Second Estates in Eighteen Century France, America’s Leadership Class has done nothing to address the PR Crisis with the American Third Estate
America's Plutocratic Leadership Group are increasingly seen by the younger generations as an obstacle to their Natural Rights of Life - Liberty and the Pursuit of Property
?The tone deafness of America's Leadership Class is stunning
For Instead of publicly pronouncing their concern with the plight of America's Third Estate
.......they are mailing out renewals with a 50% increase to the Insurance Premiums without even a slip paper telling them what warrants such a massive increase
For Old Boomer (like me) ample with both time, resources, huge network …
…I do my research and find those that want to engage in ethical business at reasonable prices
For Gen Z and the younger generations that have none of my extensive resources
...... these further economic pressures and the inability to move forward with their life’s dreams is a monumental systemic challenge
..which is one of those complex psychological fault lines that are deeply impactful and endemic
…they must be addressed and need immediate remediation before just like in 1793 France it becomes an immutable mindset of the Culture Populaire
While I have little to no hope America’s Leadership Class can IMPROVE
..that is why the fate of the assassinated CEO meant so little for he like all the "riches" have been dehumanized
When such things occur as we've seen in 1790's France or 1930's Germany it is the prescription of alarming concern
Something is seriously broken that need immediate attention and repair
..the task remains for sage older folks (like me) that even if the present situation has little impact on their family (Thank God) our duty in passing this blessing forward to hold up a large reflecting mirror and tell the American Plutocrats how much of a failure they are and so unworthy in their positions of leadership
They are repugnant !
Just like in Third Century Rome --- they weaken the stability of American Society
As MLK said the Arch of Justice in History is a long one
History’s example are great life lessons
.Yet, you first must care about others more than yourself
?In that moment we begin the journey of authentic self-improvement
All Robber Barons Beware -- All is Not Well with the American Third Estate