Gen Z lawyers. Is your law firm ready and why you should care
Lawyers Design School
Learning hub for lawyers and legal teams to adopt skills and mindset of legal design.
What will your law firm look like in 10 years?
Maybe you don’t think that far ahead because you’re busy getting through today. I get it, it’s ok.?
Do you work with Gen Z lawyers? I have been lately. The difference in their attitude and approach to life compared to me at that age is staggering. Have you noticed that?
Pragmatic, and absolutely committed to diversity, sustainability and making things right, Gen Z aren’t people who will “grow out of” these beliefs. (Remember your parents telling you it was a phase and life would beat you into shape! It ain’t happening with Gen Z.)?
Gen Z is the first generation born in a digital era and they have more friends online than in the flesh. With friends and contacts all over the world location, nationality, race, class, and identifier simply don’t matter. Sustainability, climate, environment, diversity and wellbeing matter more.?
It got me thinking about what it means for us lawyers hiring the new generation of lawyers.
Because the truth is Gen Z is the future of our firms (and our future clients). But Gen Z won’t allow old school lawyers to shove them into our traditional boxes so they can pay their dues. Instead, they’ll design a workplace where they want to be.?
The question is whether that workplace will be your firm. This is a golden opportunity for us to use legal design and the new lawyers to design the legal firms of the future. I’m encouraging everyone to embrace Gen Z and work with them to create a new environment where they (and the clients they will serve) can thrive.?
To find out more tune in to my talk on Gen Z and legal design where I talk about the things Gen Z look for in work and life and what happens when those needs aren’t met.?Link is below. ??
The news isn’t pretty for lawyers because Gen Z is leaving the law as quickly as they can. What does that mean for us and our firms?
Do you work with a Gen Z lawyer? Are you a Gen Z lawyer?? What’s your experience?