Gen Z Challenges in the Workplace: How The NEWS COMPASS? Framework Helps Employers Adapt
Employers are struggling to implement Gen Z employees into traditional organizational structures. Employers have been frustrated with Gen Z workers, complaining of misaligned expectations, communication gaps, and a lack of workplace readiness.
Some companies are going so far as to fire Gen Z workers at higher rates or decline to hire them, a solution that only compounds an already complicated generational divide. Gen Z workers, generally identified as those born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s, have a distinctive set of attitudes, values, and priorities that frequently conflict with traditional workplace routines.
This disconnect has highlighted the fact that traditional management styles and strategies are not enough to satisfy the needs of today’s changing workplace. By contrast, there are innovative solutions such as N.E.W.S.? Navigation’s “Manager as Coach,” based on The NEWS COMPASS? framework which was developed by Aviad Goz . This solution can provide a tangible way to make that happen.
This solution helps managers connect through open communication and builds the groundwork for a more collaborative working relationship as well as empathy across generations. Let’s examine the major drivers behind this generational gap and how “Manager as Coach” can address them.
The Battle Facing Employers with Gen Z
Firing or Not Hiring Gen Z
More employers say they have trouble onboarding Gen Z workers onto their teams. According to surveys and anecdotal evidence:
Opportunities for growth and independence for Gen Z workers have led to a perception that these workers are less bound to the company than previous generations. This annoyance has prompted some companies to fire Gen Z workers in greater numbers or stop hiring them altogether. Recent data supports these challenges.
According to, 75% of employers report dissatisfaction with some or all Gen Z hires, and 60% have terminated them within months of hiring.
Another survey from Newsweek highlights that 58% of employers cite concerns about Gen Z’s unprofessional behavior, while 63% worry about frequent job-hopping ( Additionally, 1 in 6 companies in the U.S. is hesitant to hire Gen Z workers, citing issues like poor communication and perceived laziness ( These findings underscore the critical need for strategies to bridge the generational gap.
The Manager as Coach Solution
N.E.W.S.? Navigation’s structural process for such challenges is its Manager as Coach solution, which is based on The NEWS COMPASS? framework.
The NEWS COMPASS? is a proven tool that equips managers with a structured approach to navigate individual and team challenges while aligning with organizational goals.
The Manager as Coach solution enables managers to conduct impactful coaching conversations and create a culture of growth and inclusivity. Here’s how it addresses the challenges:
Feedback and Communication:
Aligning Purpose and Values:
Gen Z employees tend to value meaningful work more than a large salary. The NEWS COMPASS? can be used by managers to:
Offering Growth Opportunities:
Gen Z workers thrive on professional development. The Manager as Coach solution empowers managers to:
Building a Culture of Inclusion:
Diversity and inclusivity are important to Gen Z in the workplace. Managers can create an environment where:
A Double-Edged Sword: Challenge or Opportunity
The generational gap in the contemporary workplace can be considered a double-edged sword, presenting not just an obstacle but also a chance for growth.
Employers looking to onboard and maintain their Gen Z workplace should focus on finding solutions that will meet their specific needs and expectations.
The “Manager as Coach” solution, grounded in The NEWS COMPASS? framework, offers a proven way to bridge that gap and promote a more united and engaged employee population.
This new way of working boosts engagement across generations, allowing organizations to retain top talent and stakeholders while fostering a workplace culture where every generation is valued and positioned to succeed.