Gen X Over-Performed For Trump. Are You Confused About Why?

Gen X Over-Performed For Trump. Are You Confused About Why?

If you are unfamiliar with the term “Sandwich Generation” and cannot figure it out via context clues, here is a good article describing the basics.

Essentially, you are “sandwiched” between “I have younger kids” and “My parents are becoming older and need help.” This applies to about 80 million people in the U.S., and the idea of a “Sandwich Generation” is only scaling, because people do get married + have kids later, for various reasons.

The number one quote in that article above would be this:

“At a certain point, your parents become like kids,” Ling said.


Years ago, I was in this church group and, as we sat on one couple’s lawn, this towering intellect of a man who turned out to not be such a good friend to me said: “You know what’s weird? As your kids age, your parents age too.” That’s not weird, per se. It’s just numbers going up at the same time. You could call it “math.” But what he was describing, ostensibly, was being part of the Sandwich Generation.

Let’s take the obvious part first: there is an exhaustion element to dealing with a young child and then your older mom all at once. If you wanted 3–4 kids and you land in Sandwich Generation, you might only have 1–2 kids because you’re so exhausted from dealing with completely different eras of life that are oddly the same in terms of how limited you are (newborn + elderly). So that brings down the fertility rate.

There’s also an issue of money. Maybe your elderly parents had a nest egg and they didn’t burn it on cruises. Maybe they have some government cheese. But a lot of people don’t have enough money to live until 90, even if they think they do, and that creates economic stressors (and probable housemates) for the new parents. There’s also the issue of some Boomers holding onto their homes and wanting max money for them before they’re willing to get out, but younger generations not having that max money to pay for a home that was last renovated in 1997.

So, the money + the exhaustion thing will bring down the fertility rate. And, lest we forget, the only reason “Sandwhich Generation” is a big demographic thing is because people are already having kids at slightly-older ages, soooo … their window to have 2, 3 kids is narrow as is. And now their mom is living with them. It doesn’t quite rocket-fuel the intimacy needed for that third kid. Just saying.

Now, some pundits out there will discuss this stuff. Elon and others have made the fertility rate a moral panic, but don’t really propose anything we can do about it, per se. At the first debate, which will go down in history as a death knell for Joe Biden, Jake Tapper actually asked about fertility rate and childcare costs — and that was the question where they started discussing their golf games.

Most people in politics are content to get attention for themselves re: ideology wars, as opposed to solving actual problems.

What we need is some help within the “Sandwich Generation,” including:

  • More tax breaks for kids
  • More tax breaks if elderly parents live with you
  • More tax breaks for childcare providers
  • More people meeting their neighbors and building communities
  • Less “parenting philosophies” and more handing off of childrens to loved ones in a community
  • Less having of kids as a container of success for yourself and more wanting to teach and guide someone to do better than you yourself could have, in some intangible way

It would logically seem that the most important demographic in this political season is “The Sandwich Generation,” as they feel the most popped by inflation, have the most exhaustion, and are having to reinvent major career and life decisions around where they work, if they stay home, # of total kids, etc. due to all these factors.

If the government gave them help, that’s a quicker path to 276 electoral votes or whatever you need than, say, screaming about trans men in pools.

Maybe I’m misguided.


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