A Simple Example of How your in-memory cache on your browser stores different images for different modals for UI rendering. #DOM #SinglePageApplication
Imagine a photo gallery SPA. You have a main page displaying thumbnail images. Clicking a thumbnail opens a modal with a larger version of the image.
- Initial Page Load: The thumbnails are fetched from the server and stored in the browser's memory cache (along with other page assets).
- Modal Open:If the larger image for the modal is already in the cache (perhaps from a previous view), it's loaded directly from there for fast rendering.If not, the browser requests it from the server, stores it in the cache, and then renders it in the modal.
- Subsequent Modal Opens: Images for previously viewed modals are likely in the cache, leading to faster modal load times.
3 Key Differences (Potential)
- Image Size: The larger images used in modals are likely to occupy more space in the cache than the thumbnails.
- Cache Eviction: If the cache fills up, the browser might evict some images to make room for new ones. Thumbnails, being smaller and potentially viewed more frequently, might be retained longer than the larger modal images.
- URL Structure: The SPA might use different URL structures or query parameters to differentiate between thumbnails and modal images. This impacts how the browser organizes the cached images.
Discussion Points for Further Exploration
- Cache Headers: How server-side cache headers influence the browser's caching behavior.
- Preloading: Strategies to preload modal images in the background for even faster rendering.
- Cache Management Libraries: How JavaScript libraries can help manage the cache more effectively within the SPA.
#JavaScript #Typescript #Frameworks on #Linkedin #Here is #ManuJ4U's profile example on cache utilization for your reference. Please comment, if you find the three different photos and their modals from UI/UX/UED pov.