Gen-AI is what the customer wants to purchase, but what should we sell and how?

Gen-AI is what the customer wants to purchase, but what should we sell and how?

Selling a Gen-AI project is extremely challenging today due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of what Gen-AI is, and can become!


Traditionally, Itera have sold it's services to clients who had a clearly defined need. They require one or more developers, possibly project managers, testers, etc. The project is supposed to do this and that; here are our wishes, requirements, budget, schedule, and expected outcomes. Get started!

Although we often find these projects demanding for our staff today, they are considerably more tangible than a Gen-AI project.

What has change?

Today NO ONE knows how the Gen-AI technology will evolve or how it will be used in the next 5-10 years. Customers currently lack the knowledge or understanding of how best to utilize this technology for their future benefit. They also do not know what they need, or how to figure out what they will need in the future.

So, should we offer them a Gen-AI solution?

What customers need is SOMEONE who can take them by the hand and lead them on their journey called: How can we use Gen-AI to our advantage?

Many people talk about needing to demonstrate VALUE and ROI before speaking with customers. I understand that this is traditionally what customer management, and boards want to hear. The problem is that NO ONE has the answers right now, so we (Itera) must step forward and explain the management how we can help them START on their journey.

We (Itera) have so far acquired available knowledge about Gen-AI, creating our own understanding of what could be a good journey to embark on. This is what we can sell to our customers. This is our value.

And No, the answer isn't Sapience. The product we should sell is "THE JOURNEY" that the customer need to start, and we should be their GUIDE. Together with the customer, we can uncover how they can best utilize GEN-AI technology to achieve better results for their company in the future.

Sapience is ONLY the first baby step that customers need to take. It's not a strategic choice of a major and important solution for the future. It's merely the first necessary step for starting their journey.

Sapience's purpose is to serve as a PLAYGROUND for employees where they can gain knowledge and be inspired by its possibilities. As understanding of these opportunities grows, creativity and brainstorming accelerate. Only then does the customer truly begin their journey. Right now, they stand bewildered at the platform unsure of direction, departure time or if they even want to travel.

How shall Itera convince management or boards that it's crucial to start this journey filled with unknowns? The only thing we can say with some certainty is that doing "nothing" will mean a slow death for the business—they'll lose employees (who want exciting workplaces) and lose competitive edge as competitors utilizing Gen-AI technology will deliver better, faster, cheaper results in the future.

These are just assumptions -- because as mentioned -- no one has these answers today.

The customer must decide whether they want to embark on this journey WITHOUT having answers regarding costs, ROI or expected value from investment BEFORE making any decisions.

Answers come as they embark on their journey gaining increased knowledge and understanding; then they will comprehend opportunities themselves—what they need and how it may be achieved (and at what cost/value).

Thusly we shouldn’t sell Sapience as a SOLUTION or PRODUCT but ONLY as an extremely simple (and safe) playground for employees which fosters learning about Gen-AI’s potential opportunities.

More challenging still—is selling into clients when all you have is the knowledge they need to start their journey. That's trust!

Should we wait until talking with clients until there’s a better solution or deal?

Absolutely not—that would just give competitors room to take over our spot.

It’s not OUR SOLUTIONS customers need, it’s OUR HELP finding THEIR OWN solutions.

We offer Sapience as an expressway through this critical initial step, requiring only a minimal contribution for our development costs, and that they use our people for operation, maintenance and desired further development.

So - don't wait - starting small is the best option!

Very well put, Truls! It all starts with trust and becoming a trustworthy guide. Important message to customers, don’t wait on the platform just embark. It’s going to be an exciting journey!


well written Truls - Let′s get started out there. We are here to help you on the journey. By the way, together with Truls and other ggod Itera people like Dalibor Jovic and Hardy Hyldgaard we have an event exactly on this topic in Herning, Denmark on 20th June. topics will be targeted towards management level. Reach out if you are interested :-)


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