Gen AI: 3 actionable items and 5 other things I took away from Microsoft Envision

Gen AI: 3 actionable items and 5 other things I took away from Microsoft Envision


1.??????? Things are going at warp speed.? Microsoft is now evolving its copilot from a personal assistant to a team’s assistant (team meant in the traditional way, you can visualise copilot as an extra participant in a MS Teams meeting) to finally an agent that you can put to work to complete tasks for you.

2.??????? Most companies focus on the productivity benefits, but the bigger prizes are elsewhere, such as getting to TRULY data driven decision making.? I have always believed in data driven decision making but until last year I had no easy, fast and cheap way of going through 10 years of corporate notes and history to inspire my decisions and improve my decision quality. Now you can just tell your AI: Please go through 10 years of documents documenting our investment decisions, focus on the key risks that were identified at the time and tell me how these risks and mitigations panned out in the end. Now apply these learnings to this new investment decision I am making right now and help me improve my decision quality.

3.??????? Microsoft said they were able to keep growing 20% yoy without adding staff. This will be important in

a.??????? societies with ageing populations and a shrinking work force.

b.?????? Companies seeking to deliver great CX at a more affordable cost.

4.??????? More and more employees are “bringing their own AI to work”. A bit like “bring your own device”. Strong recommendation to provide guide rails to staff.

5.??????? Europe runs the risk of focusing too much on the risks and not enough on the opportunity.

6.??????? They gave us 3 actionable things you can go and do next Monday morning:

a.??????? Ask yourself: what are top 3 things that bother me at work and how can AI alleviate this?

b.?????? Tell your team: please come and present on stage to your colleagues on how you are using AI to improve this business

c.??????? Build a prompt library for the team and make it available to all.

And finally, a big thank you to the team at Microsoft for creating such a great event!

Marcel van de Laarschot, MBA

Principal Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft

3 个月

Thanks for your attendance and sharing your insights Thomas, it was great to catch up together with Robin van Setten.

Christoph Z.

B2B | digital transformation | energy transition | CX

3 个月

Thanks for sharing Thomas. Very insightful! So many great use cases. At a much smaller scale your example reminds me of my personal pet peeve. I moved from trying to (unsuccessfully) set up the perfect folder structure in Outlook to just using search but it still created a lot of manual effort. With a personal agent / copilot I should finally be able to tackle that use case. From unstructured data straight to insight will be a huge efficiency driver.

Gareth Flood

Senior Director of Global Marketing and Strategy at Lubrizol (Berkshire Hathaway) | General Manager | Global Citizen | Commercial Director | CMO | Marketing, Strategy, Sales

4 个月

Great report out, thanks Thomas! Agree the best way is to dive in and just start. Any AI within a corporate environment using Microsoft is fairly sandboxed so downsides are low - focus on the opportunity.

Rahul Malhotra

Purpose | Global P&Ls | CMO | AI advocate | Complex organisational transformation

4 个月

Great tips Thomas. We hosted such a session with my team a few weeks ago too. Identified the biggest pain points, time sucking tasks, competitiveness eroding processes and the highest cost elements in our global organisation. Then we brainstormed how technology in general and AI in particular would help us leap frog and simplify. And now we have an action plan and funding for the biggest one of them all (to be revealed later!). Rinse and repeat every 6-9 months if you ask me.


