Geet Govind of Jaydev: Shri Radhe Krishna

Geet Govind of Jaydev: Shri Radhe Krishna

?rilā Jaydeva Goswami's Geeta Govindhama is a masterpiece example of ?rīngar Ras. But, for immature people, who have not even given it a read, it is surely vulgar. After all, with 2 braincells, how much can they even perceive. There's nothing, not even an iota of vulgarity in ?rī Geeta Govindhama. It is based on ?rīngar Ras - Romantic mood and emotions. If any sane person read it, even though unqualified, will understand that it's not vulgar or sexual in any manner. Envious, itchy, petty minded and average trad people can not digest the fact that romance can be relished in many ways, as the couples get pleased, either confidentially or with exciplity. If both are having consent, they don't need qualification from others, to play love sports with each other.

Moreover it's ?rī RādheK???a, we're talking about. Everything about them, within them, and done by them is divine. They are spending quality time together, engaging in conjugal love sport and taking pleasure in the lovingly amorous pastimes. They seems to be happy and in love. There are like a hundreds and thousands of beautiful poetries based on ?rīngar Ras The poet presents them in such a way, such style and manner, such expressions that he defines the true meaning of pure romance and emotions, making it so blissful and spirited.

Shrī Krishna is romantic. Shri Krishna reciprocates to love in the exact way a devotee craves for or desire. Because he is not impotent. He is the man, the hero, the God and even beyond it, Brahman. Same goes for his eternal and non dual companion ?rìmatī Radharani. What do you expect them to do, huh? They are husband and wife! Two eternal love birds. They are the same, the one divine effulgence, just in two forms. There's oneness in everything.

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It's shows pure love & emotions of Radha krishna, which actually beyond the material understanding of people. Nowadays people just try to compare their own lifestyle with God & for them definition of love means "sex". But relationship of Radha krishna is completely pious & trancendal. Krishna is not a ordinary man nor Radha is ordinary women, they are divinities. Radha & krishna were eternally one and the same. They were combination of feminine as well as masculine aspect of God. Radha is haladini shakti of Shri Krishna. Thus Swami Vivekananda told, to understand the relationship of Radha krishna first we have to make ourselves pure. They can't be understood by impure minds. They don't have any kind of sexual relationship like we human do, to produce children. Radha (prakriti) and Krishna (purush) are eternal mother & father and we all were their children.

Rather, it is about the same magnificent transcendental rasa that the Vedas tell as the cause of lasting joy for all living beings. Gita-govinda may appear as an ordinary poetic composition, but it is the embodiment of the essence of all the Vedas. Jayadev Goswami has been compared to the divine mark tilaka,on the forehead of the entire dynasty of poets who are conversant with the principles of spiritual mellows. The word Goswami itself means self controlled Jayadev goswami’s poetic composition should not be taken in a lust manner. Krishna and Radhas body are completely transcendental as confirmed by (Gopāla-tāpanī Upani?ad 1.1)Sac-cid-ānanda-rūpāya k???āya: “I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, K???a, who is the eternal blissful form of knowledge.”

His body is sach-chid-ānanda-vigraha – eternal bliss and knowledge absolute and hence they should not be taken in a lusty material way Jayadev Goswami has written nothing regarding mundane lust between two material bodies he has described the transcendental separation and union of the lord There is no difference between Radha and Krishna they appear in two form only for performing pastimes, Garg Samhita: Ye Radhikayam Thrayi Kesaremayi Bhedam Na Kurvanthi Hi Dugdha Sauklya vath Tha Eva Me Brahmapadam Prayanthi Thath Aithuka Sphoorjitha Bhakthi Lakshana

One should not show any distinction between Radha and Govinda , They should not forget that Radha and Govinda became two only for the sake of Divine play. As milk and its whiteness is inseparable, Sri Radha and Krishna are one and the same. The Supreme Lord says that devotees resplendent with this devotional trait(abhedabhava)reach His Abode. These divine romantic pastimes has been described by Jayadev Goswami in Gita Govinda. It might seem like mundane lust but it is spiritual love.

Bhagavatha Puran 10.33.36:????????? ???????? ?????? ??????????: ? ???? ??? ???: ?????? ??: ???????? ?????? ????? ? ?? ? When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him. ?rīla Vi?vanātha Cakravartī ?hākura glorifies the Lord’s conjugal pastimes, stating that these romantic affairs have an inconceivable spiritual potency to attract the polluted heart of conditioned souls.

It is an undeniable fact that any simple-hearted person who hears narrations of the loving affairs of K???a will be attracted to the lotus feet of the Lord and gradually become His devotee. the non-devotees are also fond of romance Therefore, when they hear these pastimes they gradually become absorbed in thoughts of Krishna. The transcendental pastimes and descriptions should not be taken in a lusty mundane way but in a spiritual pure way. Jayadev goswami has described the rasa laden body of Radha Rani and the divine pastimes of Radha Krishna they are not material or lusty but should be taken in a transcendental spiritual way.

Can God indulge in Shringar ras? Depends on your conception of God. If your God can assume a human form! If your God is capable of reciprocating with your romantic mood! One of the defining attribute of God's form is stated by Sri Tulsidas. “Chidananda Mai Deh Tumari" God's form is divine bliss. There is no difference between the different body parts of God. All is Sat-chit-ananda. Whatever Jayadev Goswami described, was the sakara ( manifested ) union of two Divinities ( Radha and Krishna ). In the realm of Nirguna, the union is colourless, odorless, formless, etc. That is Nirvana.

There are several instances of ???gāra being used by poets other than Jayadeva to depict divine love. The very first verse of ?rī Venka?e?varastotram has ???gāra in it. Several compositions of ?rī Annamācārya has ???gāra in them; the uber famous jaga?apu janavula jājara is an instance of it, which is sung almost every day at Tirumala. The devotees see no vulgarity in those compositions.

There is reference to this in the Matsya Purā?a, which is the oldest Purā?a. In Matsya Purā?a, the Lak?a?a of the true Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a has been given as follows: (1) The Purā?a which is related by Sāvarni Manu to Nārada, (2) and contains the account of the greatness of K???a, (3) with the occurrences of the Rathāntara-kalpa, (4) where also the story of Brahma-vāraha is repeatedly told, (5) is called the Brahma Vaivarta and contains 18.000 ?lokas. (53:33-34) 1. Matsya Purā?a claimed "The Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a is the Purā?a which is related by Sāvarni Manu to Nārada"

The recent Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a which is now exists is narrated not by Sāvarni to Nārada, but Nārāya?a ??i to Nārada. Brahmā Vaivarta Purā?a said: According the āgamas this Purā?a was narrated by ?rī K???a to me (Suta) as well as to Brahmā who happens to be His devotee. Brahmā then narrated the same to Dharma and Dharma narrated the same to Nārāya?a ??i. Nārāya?a narrated it to Nārada and Nārada narrated the same to me (Suta). (4:133:27-32) 2. Matsya Purā?a claimed “Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a contains the account of the greatness of K???a”

This is already general secret the recent Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a tells the description of K???a as Parabrahman where He transcends the position of Sri Vi??u, ?iva, and ?akti though. The first ?loka characterized the greatness of K???a, the Brahmā Vaivarta Purā?a said: I bow in reverence to the all-pervading lord (K???a), who is adored by Ga?e?a, Brahmā, ?iva, Indra, serpent Se?a, the gods, all the Manus, the sages, Sarasvatī, Lak?mī besides Pārvatī and others. (1:1:1)

3. Matsya Purā?a claimed “Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a occurrences of the Rathāntara-kalpa” О brāhma?a, I have narrated first of all the characters of the Brahmā-kalpa. I shall now describe the Vāraha-kalpa and Padma-kalpa. You please listen to it. Because of the differentiation of Brahmā, Vāraha and Padma there are three types of kalpa. (1:5:4-6)

There are only three kalpas known as Brahmā, Vāraha and Padma. Now you listen to the creation of each one of these kalpas. (1:5:12) О lord, you tell me the way how the earth was adored by the gods at the time of Vāraha-kalpa and if so, in what form? The goddess provides shelter to all and it so said that lord Varaha himself adored her along with others. О lord you tell me the method of the adoration of the earth, the process of bringing the earth from the waters of the ocean, the birth Mangala and all other details which provide welfare to all. (2:8:22-24)

This auspicious and charming story relates to the Padma-kalpa. The one should listens to the story of Narayana with his own ears which like the nectar. (4:23:5) On hearing the words of Radhika Madhusudana smiled and he narrated to her the story of Padma-kalpa. (4:35:29) I shall narrate to you an ancient story of the Padmakalpa which is quite secretive, but was told to me by my father in the ancient time. (3:20:8) 4. Matsya Purā?a claimed “Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a is the story of Brahma-Vāraha is repeatedly told” the story of Brahmā is described in the part Brahma-kha??a, and the story of Vāraha is elaborately described in the Prak?ti-kha??a.

5. Matsya Purā?a claimed “Brahma Vaivarta contains 18.000 ?lokas” The recent Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a said: Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a comprises of eighteen thousand verses. The Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a is considered to be essence of all the Purā?as. (4:133:16–17) In closing, this Purā?a is truly beautiful. I am not stating that the recent Brahma Vaivarta was interpolated version or not because I was not born when this Purā?a was composed. I highly recommend this Purā?a to the devotee of K???a, because Brahma Vaivarta Purā?a is extraordinary displaying the figure of K???a.

Katyayini Urs

Facilitator / Teaching Faculty / Head Mistress / Influencer / Mentor

1 年



INDIAN- (MBA&MISCA)-Self Driven,Resourceful,Passionate Administrator,Vision to create and promote vibrant culture of Innovation&Entrepreneurship with Nation Building Transformation&Real Time eGovernanance Services.

1 年

Kishore Shintre Ji! Radhe&Shyam were Human Form long ago lived life as a Symbol of Love with existence and extincted and reborn with in us. Now we are assuming them with our consciousness with in us. Consciousness is what lies at our very core, and connects us all to each other.? True nature of all forms is essentially formless.? Forms do not have an existence of their own, but rather they arise together, and are mutually dependent on one another.? Everything in the world of form shall extinct and reborn again. There is no-self; no form that has an existence in and of itself.”

Preeti Sharma

Academy for Career Excellence

1 年

Jai Shri Radha Govind ??????????



