Gedankenexperiment for Looking at 5th Force Arguments for Contribution for a Pre Planckian Inflaton. with Consequences

Using work by Fishbach and Talmadge, we use 5th force arguments and the common Virial theorem, plus a modified Wheeler De Witt wave function to set up an energy fluctuation equation. From there, we also use a modified Heisenberg Uncertainty principle to isolate the role of an inflaton in Pre Planckian space – rime. Its consequences are remarked upon with the range of a purported 5th force and scaled as between 10^-1 to 10^-3.

Comments: 12 Pages.

C Peter O'Connor


8 年

It's, 'Good Morning' to you Andrew from me here on the UK, Prime Meridian. With regard to your current proposal; I don't believe the fifth force exists and that even the concept of gravity is a misinterpretation of the effects produced by electromagnetic energy. I also think that the current dogma on, Creation is a complete failure because the math falls flat on its proverbial face at the point of Singularity. Within the format of my thesis on the creation of our universe (deposited for peer review with Professor Martin Ward, Head of Physics at, Durham University), I equated the energy source given latterly to, 'Infinity' and by so doing was able to take the current thinking on the subject of Creation back 15bn years (before the, Bang) (which dismisses previous theories) Going on to explain how it is highly probable that our universe was in situ in its entirety long before the Bang occurred. The latter also means that, not only is our, Periodic Table back to front but that it contains none of the super-heavy elements I suggested are still locked within the cores of galaxies and the latter the reason why they are still emitting huge amounts of energy fifteen billion years after the, Bang. (I proposed 264 elements.) Having studied the research on the subject, I removed, Murray Gell-Mann's, 'Quarks' from Protons and Neutrons and redesigned all the particles in such a way that they were in accordance with my single energy source proposal. I.E. Neutrino= 'single ring of energy', Neutron, = 1836 rings of energy crushed into a globe. (The latter equal to the electromagnetic potential of all the rings within the globe.) (The work in question is far too detailed to explain here.) My point being, the work is so radical that it has proven to be very controversial within the discipline. So much so in fact that I have not been able to find a publisher since its deposit with the Academia and wondered if there was any member of 'Linkedin' prepared to assist with publication. Regards. C.Peter O'Connor.



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