Education is the only chance we the parents have of preventing extinction
extinction means youth rights were abused by every nation - can we stop this now?

Education is the only chance we the parents have of preventing extinction

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Mr & Mrs BBC chatter a lot about human rights but by failing to truly value business intrl of billion girls ... extinction webs us all. 
Interested in purposes of markets -  1 fashion, 2 agriculture, 3 health, 4 education, 5 building/serving joy of diversity of 1000000 people communities 
6 finance 7 energy 8 physical machine infrastructure 
9 accelerating how smart both humans and machines can be as nature tests every GPS on earth and atmospphere
rsvp [email protected]
also place brands at any level just just 200 nations borders!        

Breaking - UN Geneva has been leaping forward in showing how tech connect all operational networks of todays sustainability goal generation #aiforgood almost weekly at youtube and through mooc events (report) ?i try and catalogue who speaks on which sd goals or which operational streams of UN eg WHO health WFP food appear... (if you see a good to great ai app for sdgs - please tel me [email protected] )

1 related links thank you to & to place brands bangladesh boston womens village china netherlands ... thanks to 30+ places who can share their AI and EI Hall of fame - von neumann friends since 1951 1984's -Bangla miracle misunderstood - nation built on 100,000 village entrepreneurial trainers not bankers -sadly usa's admin for last 8 years of 20th C got wrong end of how 1billiongirls changed their world across asia's undeveloped continent; its never been more important for youth and teachers to keep seraching out what good can be done at 2 levels : deep community (behavioral Emotional Intel) and through digital blending AI and human intel

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50 years ago the peoples of the 8th most populous nation were facing extinction ; 90% had no access to electricity grids; 50% were facing imminent starvation; most were illiterate; the capital city had been flattened by war of independence... the 6 education-for-all dimensions the human race can community learn to collaborate for sdgs and through ESG

4.1 livelihood (small business entrepreneur) education for illiterate village mothers or whomever community ,most excluded from enetrepreneurship

4.2 education pre-teen

4.3 teen education local updates NY 2/22 -10004 --1 - 21.1

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4.4 and econom, invites you to join 20 year debate: why doesnt younger half of world elect (value your generation's celebrities off the olympics pitch aas well as on); *platform 5.4 college education _GUNI net 100+ members UNESCO affiliation hq Barcelona -some other possibilities for graduates to end alumni silos may be schwarzman; osun; sdg-youth pocs - eg 1

4.5 preschool education 3 to 6 - see also (for a debate re[plicable by next door neighboorhoods- the more local communities organsie around preschools the healthier communities become for families - see -20 years of abed playschool alumni - main partners lego; yidan ; also see unesco survey of what 5000 5 year olds want from learning ...

4.6 education for anyone who can teach a missing skill or who needs to reskill -

Here is a list opf the world's main education for all summist and how they interact with 4.1 to 4.6

yidan hk - see laureate winners ; luminaries (ie 4.6) ideas bank ... topranks these networks coordinated by worldwide education for all leaders Organizations and programs: Asian University for Women BRAC CAMFED edX Fundación Escuela Nueva Khan Academy MindsetWorks New Education Experiment PhET Interactive Simulations Teach for All STEPP Center

wise qatar

million dolar teacher prize - histotorically london-dubai and vi8rtual

rewired 2022 (every child centri un branch assembled at dubai expo - how rewired continues is worth watching

what happened next - 6 education systems were designed round maximising small village business networks- the first 3 to 1995 were all designed through person to person community networking ; the next three started to be connected by solar, mobile phone and one city university; every education and village business system maximised collaboration partnerships ; when 4 global education summits emerged from 2010 it was found that the 6 education systems together with small enterprise networking offered so9lutions wherever humans faced the most extreme sustainability crises; it also became clear that in this 21st c there is no such thing as separately sustainable nations - for health and other reasons nature has designed into the capacity of earth to support 8 billion peoples we are all in the same boat - shall we sAIl tpwards ectonction or sustainabolty of future generations.

This os not a challenge economists can solve - the only way ut can be solved is valuing the educator and the student in everyone of us.

Here are some extinction relevant questions - dare we confron the now:

When taken over by fascists lawyers can cause instant destruction- there is no evidemce that lawyers can quicky generare wealth- in fact you childrens as a 30 year generation depende on transparent of business intel; enyerprises compounbd/scale potentially creative solutions

the root causes of wprld war 2 were:

white fascists & communists- ar the limit bort are abour one supreme whire man ruling over everyone.. and they were abour 2 inequalty errors of distributing machines that mainly white european made ; the human race had not foreseen that within 6 generation (30 year periods -half of our human pop is under 30) 99.9% of what could be done with life would change due to engines begun in glasgow; and in 1945 at the birth of the united nations ir was not understood that what started up out od nw hersey would change whar 99.99% of humans could do with life iwithin 2.5 generations

we need to undesrand 2 human resource numbers- we can dicide today's nearly 8 billion beings inro eights- male versu female; older versus younger; richer versus poorer; it is the business intel of billion poorest young women that can prevent extinction- thats the only human right mr bb&c needed to champion -and the one they have misunderstood so completely as to have brough fascists to theeu doors

only one sixth of humans are white; these whites historically have played out 2 end games: world wars in europe to 1945; what white men do with wealth out of usa with new jerseys 100 times more tech

I'd prefer not to waste any more time on why rich old white men need to stop using communications technologies to multiply hatred and just let the worlds poorest young womens connect your childrens susetianbilityy- but if we hace to debate what old rich white men spin - lets go to

Extinction means youth's rights were abused by every nation - why not stop this now? can you help 20 cities nominate AI Hall of Fame? Who's AI heroes will help youth collaboratively app & beat climate crises, covid, other challenges and be first sustainable gen? [email protected]

Breaking - can you help empower womens lunchcollab part 2 - see right hand column (episode 1 of LC is here) or chat with [email protected] if you want tour of 50 lunch club who's collab entrepreneurially dated who new york

i wouldn't know what to teach children today as to what's going on - around the world peoples sense of fear probably hasnt been this peaked since man started dropping nuclear bombs - and if democracy of 8 billion's futureoflife is to be beholden to a few old men partied by fear-spreading media into announcing next big decisions -this is not smart use of tech nor human brainpower imo- so i choose to deal up better futures for all: these 4 pairs of eyes JFK* Neumann; Francis * Marco, jefferson & Adam smith, bard & newton

though like any game I want to learn from other players... afore ye play the game

a particular question is what to teach at every age in america - start with our play school comnversation here- and visit 3 tremendous december summits -WISE - Yidan - Rewired2021 - on how the world of education is advancing celebrations by and for the younger half of the world as first sustainability generation

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1957-1962 . The UN was born 1945, so during years 12-17 of uniting nations the gifts of von Neumann and JFK - they started up 100 times moore tech per decade (some now call this industrial revs 3,4); potentially the most co-creative age interactions of 3 generations will ever celebrate; I have biases my father became a biographer of von neumann (there's a second great bio out this month); when kennedy was spending his last years declaring interdepend ence of nations he seconded my fathers 1962 survey on how asia could rise through supervilages and supercities like tokyo, seoul and taipei; kennedy saw opportunity to engage 1960s next gen in 10 year missions (the moon race); not one us admin since kennedy has offered youth a vision of worth of 100 times more tech

jefferson and adam smith - during the first 16 years of engines and birthing of the new world's united states; as a diaspora scot i vote for emotional rapport with all human beings of adam smith -he graduates from glasgow university at 17 to go to oxford where he finds english professors ( a hopeless place) destroying youths futures; returns to be made professor of logic at galsgow - writes up the last book on economics before the age of engines - 1758 moral sentiments; then seeing his co-worker james watt start up engines spends 16 years on a book mapping how engines could advance the world's people -(dont let london colonise the world as first to apply engine power- advising scots engineers to go to usa wherever people promise to end slavery - in parallel jefferson launches freedom of american peoples from brtitish colonisation (this at a time when french coin entrepreneurship to decide how to reallocate country's assets after guillotining kings who were monopolising all the land)= exercise at the time of jefferson's declaration of independence can you draw ownership of the coastlines of north america- eg who owned america's west coast

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shakespeare and newton - though a century apart you could say all time peak of english literacy intel went to the bard (the quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth like...) , and theoretical science locally peaked with newton but as someone who enjoys questioning history of maths, I like newton and sympathise with his devaluation of a pound of silver equal approximately an ounce of gold as british empire mobilise global currency exchange

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whilst about 50 years apart my 4th pair of eyes marco polo and st francis; arguably their time was about as united as the old world ever got- while ist sensible to assume over 80% of world trade is always shipped over waters, there was this extraordinary convergence of roman empire; the empire that had marched over europe at the time jesus christ was born near the landbridge uniting europe, asia ,africa had by the 1200s become heh epicentre of med sea trade (unlike today's sea of refugees bordering the med sea was the western pace to be; if we try to map EW to the far east from the river town of hangzhou (which marco became mayor of for 2 years) reaching ciast and going norty you pass the bay of nbijing and korea and reach japan; whats amazing (read vogel) is unlike golden rule gods of the west - the east had a consciousness of natural spirits; apparently this began in india, became what united confucian/china the world' biggest population became adopted by a japanese warlord around 600 who wanted to unite japan; and then of course we come to the most amazing overland trading route : the silk road; unlike polo who took 7 years to traverse this, for most people the silk road was an extrsordinary trading relay- for this to work neighbors had to be civil to each other; and interesting spices were light enough to be above zero sum currencies; the further you exchanged them the more they were worth; the silk road seems to have mapped its way north of the tropics which were known for humidity and illness; st francis played an extraordinary role uniting trade and nations in two ways; it is said he negotiated peace with muslims who had not been sure the silk road was a good thing; st francis declared that wherever missionary networks followed him - the women "Clares" should serve community health, and the men should value green diversity- franciscan views retain the greatest opportunity to bridge every divide during biden's rule; guterres used to be the president of portugal before serving refugees at the UN and leading the UN through the last chance race to sustainability goals; the way 1 billion asian village women ended extreme poverty is integrated around franciscan values especially those connecting 1 educatiin freires, 2 last mile helath services, 3 local adaptation of food production and natural ecosystems -see or read about the miracle of how chiense capitalism replaced state owned companies by village enterprsies and supercity diaspora chinese engineers; with the cherry on the top a hangzhou 29 year old chinese english teacher being in seattle to see the first birthday of bezos amazon , friending yahoos jerry yang and japans masa son, and timing how to design ecommerce and efinance by and for 1 villagers 2 millennials chinese citizens with girls equaling boys as one-child families depended on their smartest millennial- you can map whos humanising artificial intel from east to west , noth to south - its extremely interesting to see how distributed sme supply chains have become even if the worlds biggest corporations are "niking" it out (which brings us to redesigning sport fashions arts markets so taht younger half of the world decide how the wealthiest superstar youth create is invested in sdgs)

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the story of how italians the best ships captains hired themselves out to portugal spain and england to discover the new world and so reduce italy's influence as the worlds epicentre of art and trade is peculiar; but if the british empires race to build the biggest ships of war focused most on who owned the new world from 1500-1776; by the time jefferson ended british colonisation of usa the brits redoubled ruling over the british raj and then closing down china for not accepting opium as a currency; instead of scots engines being used equally by all peoples - asia's majority of the world people with the exception of japan were colonised out of 185 years of access to machines, electricity, telecoms- no wonder asia rising models mattered to friends of humanity like jfk and neumann

Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,

3 年

IA whose AI or knowhow do millennials need to app to be sustainable? world food prize alumni of borlaug still sdg2 greatest wired thanks for staring up AI database



Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章
