GDPR is just around the corner, Act soon!

GDPR is just around the corner, Act soon!

We live in a world where information invisibly flows all around us. Almost every aspect of our life revolves around data. Every service we use collects our name, address, maybe a credit card number. In May 2017, The Economist called personal data “the world’s most valuable resource” ahead of oil and because of that it is vulnerable to theft and it needs to be protected.

By now you have probably heard about GDPR. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is new legislation from the European Union that gives consumers more control over their data. It aims to simplify the regulatory environment for business so both citizens and businesses can fully benefit from the digital economy. GDPR applies to any organisation operating within the EU, as well as any organisations outside of the EU which offers goods and services to subjects in the Union. 

Our team from Sample Solutions is working constantly on improving and securing that the data that we process is done in a lawful, fair and transparent manner. Appropriate technical and organisational measures are to be taken in order to comply with this requirement. The first steps in implementing the GDPR which will come into place by 25th of May, 2018 at Sample Solutions are already being taken.

We understand that implementing and abiding by these rules is a high priority for our clients. We are committed to protecting personal data and client information. We believe that securing data privacy is an essential component of the organisation.

Act soon, GDPR is just around the corner!


