Informativa=information notice/statement
Dati conferiti=supplied/provided data
Conferimento dei dati =data supply, provision/ data providing
Come aggiornata (normativa) as amended
Ispirata alla normativa= applicable under the provision/standard
Normativa aggiornata=amended regulation
Come stabilito =as provided by/according to the provision of/ as enshrined in
Soggetto interessato/persona interessata=data subject
Soggetti del trattamento=data processors
Titolare del trattamento=data controller; he is the legal person who manages data processing, he drafts the privacy organization chart (organigramma della privacy) and apponts the data processor/s.
He is the sole person responsible for privacy regulation breaches and correct privacy management updating und undergoes both fine and penal sanctions in case of fraud or involuntary violation.
Titolare esterno del trattamento=the external data controller is a supllier who must be appointed by the internal data controller to manage the information belonging to this latter on behalf of the same internal data controller. The appointment is achived through a specific agreement in which the procedure and instructions to handle internal data controller information are specified.
Responsabile del trattamento= data processor.
Data protection officer, DPO= Responsabile per l protezione dei dati, RPD
It is mandatory to appoint a DPO in case of Public Aministration Bodies, data processing on the large scale or data related to crimes (namely penal offences). The appointment of any DPO must be noticed to the data protection authority. He must survey the data processing management but is held responsible only in terms of professional activity and voluntary breaches.
In the information notice the data controller must provide the data subject with several information and namely:
-data controller and DPO contacts
-whether the data subject onformationare transferred
Responsabile e incaricato del trattamento dei dati= processor supervisor and person in charge of the processing
Hierarchichal order:
Data controller – DPO (this latter where applicable)
Data processors
Employees=they don’t manage any data, on the contrary they are instructed about how to handle data and are responsible only in case of voluntary breach.
Diffondere un servizio=ditribute a service
Consenso legittimo e informato= legally effective and informed consent
Dati particolari=sensitive data/ In the newet Edtion of the Italian enforcement Decreee and in the latest one provided by the EU this term is translatd as “special categories of personal data” (religoius and political believes, biometric data, sexual orientation and so on)
Occupational health physician=medico del lavoro
Destinatari o categorie di destinatari dei dati=recipients or categories of data recipients
Trasferimento dati = data transfer
Periodo di conservazione dei dati = data retention period
soggetti di ciò appositamente incaricati = subjects specifically appointed to do so
persona interessata, parte interessata= data subject
portabilità dei dati=data portabilità. The data subject may request the data controller to sore his personal information on an IT support either to keep them for himself or to transfer them to another data controller
profilazione dei dati=data profiling. Under consent provided by a data subject his or her information are managed in order to get a profile of the most relevant information on personal precferences and further special categories of personal data.
in formato di uso comune e leggibile tramite dispositivo automatico= in a commonly used and machine-readable format
acquisire dati= acquire data
ritirare/revocare il consenso = withdraw consent
dare/conferire il consenso= grant/ provide consent
esprimere il consenso=express consent
negare/rifiutare il consenso=deny consent
ottenere il consenso=obtain the consent
acquisire il consenso=acquire the consent
dati di contatto=contact details
dati in forma aggregata=data in aggregate form
servizio o organismo=agency or body
conservazione dei dati=data retention
diritti di informazione e accesso=rights of information and access
diritto alla rettifica=right to rectification
diritto alla cancellazione=right to erasure
diritto alla limitazione=right to restriction
esercitare patria potestà/ potestà genitoriale=exercise the parental authority
diritto di opposizione=right of opposition
diritto di obiettare=right to object
diritto di lamentela=right to lodge a complaint
autorità di controllo=supervisory authority
garante della privacy=(Italian) data protection authority
rivelazione di dati=data disclosure – al data subject, cioè all’interessato
diffusione di dati=data dissemination – a chiunque altro al di fuori dell’interessato
organigramma aziendale=organization chart
Chamber of Commerce report=misura camerale
Che recepisce/integra la GDPR europea= integrating the EU GDPR
Decreto attuativo della GDPR europea =decree on integrated EU GDPR/implementation law/decree law
Harmonazation of the Italian Law with the enforcement of GDPR=armonizzazione della legge italiana con l’applicaizone del GDPR
Transposition/implementation/Enforcement decree=decreto esecutivo/ decreto attuativo
Moratoria su ispezioni e sanzioni=moratorium on inspections and penalties/sanctions
Fine = sanzione pecuniaria
Data breach=violazione dei dati
Persona fisica=natural person
Persona giuridica=legal person
Proporzionalità, responsabilità, dissuasività ed effettività= proportionality, accountability, deterernce and effectiveness
Turnaround time=tempo per adeguarsi/per adempiere
Essere consapevole, esere a conoscenza=be acquainted wih, be aware of
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