GDPR EVENT - CF & DLA Piper - London
Daniella Goodwin
A passionate entrepreneur & Super Connector with 17 years of experience growing SaaS & Logistics start-up and scale-up businesses globally through business development, tech, diversity & inclusion, and networking.
"GDPR", What is it?, Do we really need to know about it?, Will it really Affect me and my Company? Answer = YES!
Do you know enough about the General Data Protection Regulations coming out May 2018?
On Tuesday the 25th April, Computer Futures will be hosting event on "GDPR". It will be from 5pm - 8pm in the evening. DLA Piper have generously offered to lend us their Auditorium for our GDPR Event.
If you are not aware "GDPR" is a very hot topic right now. In short General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will affect all of us later next year.
GDPR is coming into place to help companies understand the new legal framework in the EU. It will apply from the 25th May 2018 which is why it is crucial for everyone to be aware and understand the potential implications.
We have lined up two fantastic guest speakers who are very credible in this space. So this will give you a chance to really understand GDPR and how you as an employer can be prepared around it and spread the word!
There will be drinks and nibbles provided too :)
The schedule of the evening will be:
5pm – 5:30pm – Welcome & Drinks
5:30pm – 6:00pm – Presentation 1: DLA Piper
6:00pm – 6:20 – Q&A
6:30pm – 7:00pm – Presentation 2: Steve Lamb – Cipher “Just don’t mention GDPR – practical advice for cutting through the snake oil”
7:00pm – 7:20pm – Q&A
7:20pm – 8:00pm – Drinks & Networking
Address for the Event: DLA Piper - 3 Noble St, London EC2V 7EE
If you are a Investor, Employer or Employee who wants to know more about the GDPR Disruption, please comment below or message me & I will sign you up for the event and send out the official email to you.
Looking forwards to hearing and seeing you all there :)
Daniella [email protected]