GDPR deadlines are looming ...
Linda Wales
Trusted advisor ensuring that technology continues to inspire and enable in UK Central Government.
As we know by 25th May 2018, any organisation that processes personal data of EU citizens needs to be compliant with GDPR. This has an impact on the majority of businesses across all sectors and failure to comply may face fines of up to several millions or up to 4% of global turnover, whichever is higher. Wow!! If that doesn't make you get your GDPR house in order then nothing will.
So this whole GDPR program has certainly raised the bar in terms of data protection, and to harmonise the privacy laws across the EU, which should help businesses adopt a more standardised set of data protection policies and processes. This should in turn therefore, mean a more suitable way of driving behaviour when it comes to peoples precious personal data. This information is too valuable to us as individuals but also who these days wants to be publicly shamed for failing to secure their employees or clients confidential information?!
Adherence to this new regulation will require a thorough approach which will include assistance from legal and IT departments as in-depth assessments for the regulation itself, and for the organisation to review its internal processes. Most organisations, I believe, have an action plan but how many have already completed this work in its entirety? When you look under the bonnet of what needs to be done, this is a very complex and in-depth piece of work; not to be underestimated that's for sure.
Well one thing that is for sure in my opinion, GDPR isn't going anywhere so why stick. your head in the sand? Its deadline is looming but there's much work still to be done, and I for one look forward to working with many of you on this journey. Believe it or not, one day soon we shall all look back on this pressure bomb knowing that we dealt with it in a timely and appropriate manner and we'll already be working on the next compliance related program.