GDPR – Contracts and Bigger Fines
Take a look at the ICO website and checkout the consultation document on contracts and liabilities. This is now open to comment and you really should take the time to comment.
GDPR requires new contracts between controllers and processors and specifies in more detail what these contracts must contain. This is a serious issue and ICO clearly state that failure to have appropriate contracts will result in big fines for both the controller and the processor. However, just like other significant documentation this guidance is not due to be released until the end of the year and may be subject to delays due to other EU issues.
ICO really needs to get real on this – how can anyone meet the May deadline when key documentation is not available until the start of next year!
If you get chance you should visit the ICO web site – download the documentation and send in your comments. Make ICO aware that this process is flawed and that the lack of guidance means that compliance is just not possible.
Good luck all
(Feeling pretty angry today)