Mauleshwaran M
Elevating design ideas that revolutionize emerging technologies and machinery || A mechatronics student captivated by cutting-edge technology || Founder of IMM, a passionate mechanical design freelancer.
The purpose of a group discussion is not to win an argument or to amuse your classmates. The purpose of a discussion is to help each group member explore and discover personal meanings of a text through interaction with other people. Much of our everyday talk is made up of descriptions in which we seek in one way or another to convey ideas to other people. These ideas are usually concerned with what we know. A learning group discussion is far more tentative, even halting, in its progress, for it deals not with certainty but with search. Listening to a group discussion, one is likely to hear such expressions as “it seems to me”, “I think, “I believe”. Group discussion should not seek to convince; rather, it should deal with matters unresolved and seek to help each member find meanings that did not exist before.