GCS Opens First School in Historic Bond Project Series
Claxton Elementary is the First New School Build in the District Since 2017

GCS Opens First School in Historic Bond Project Series Claxton Elementary is the First New School Build in the District Since 2017

By: Gabrielle Brown

August 14, 2024 -?“I?can’t believe this! This is amazing,” students shrieked after walking inside Claxton Elementary for the first time.

Monday, the home of the Stars became the first new public school to open its doors in Guilford County in nearly a decade.

The new Claxton Elementary is a state-of-the-art facility, thanks to the voters of Guilford County. An independent study, funded jointly by the commissioners and school board in 2019, identified more than?$2 billion in facility needs in Guilford County Schools (GCS). Following the study, a facilities master plan was developed to address these critical infrastructure needs, including building,?rebuilding and fully renovating schools across Guilford County, as well as safety and technology upgrades for schools. In 2020 and again in 2022, the community rallied behind the district, approving two historic bonds that are reshaping and helping the district reimagine learning and address decades of critical infrastructure needs.

Natural light beams through large windows, illuminating open areas and comfortable nooks, turning almost any space in the building into a classroom. Mobile furniture makes learning collaborative, flexible and customizable depending on the needs of the students. Classrooms spill out into a media center with a large learning staircase. The cafeteria extends out of the building and the kitchen features a drive-thru window to make summer meal distribution a breeze. A sensory space and life skills kitchen inside the school’s Exceptional Children classrooms are just a few details that underscore the district’s promise to be a place where all students can grow and be successful. And notably, for the first time, Claxton students will have a gym. “They’re like, ‘Is this it? We get to play in here?’ So exciting," Superintendent Whitney Oakley said.

Families and staff alike are excited about the new facility, not just because it’s a new school, but because it marks an end to a split school community. Nearby Jesse Wharton Elementary and Kernodle Middle School opened their doors and classrooms – becoming an extended family for nearly two years.

“It’s certainly been a learning experience, but it’s all worth it when you see this building,” Principal Kevin Thoma said. Claxton’s mission says it isa place where all children can learn, where we challenge through high expectations, and where we fulfill individual potential.” The new facility helps to make that promise a reality and reaffirms the district’s vision to make GCS the best place to learn, work and grow.

“The opening of Claxton Elementary is more than just a new school building. It represents a commitment to building stronger communities through stronger schools,” Superintendent Oakley said. “As students thrive and develop in these modern learning spaces, they will become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, contributing positively to their community.”

Four additional bond projects — Kiser Middle, Brooks Global, Peck K-8 Expeditionary Learning and Foust Elementary Gaming and Robotics, which is the first of its kind in the country — are nearing completion and are scheduled to open in 2025.


