Green Buffalo Productions (GBP) is bringing WNY creators to the forefront with the 2nd annual Publisher’s Mic Night. The event is set for August 24th at the Compass Performing Arts Center (formerly the American Rep Theater of WNY).
Publisher’s Mic Night is a three for one deal. This innovative event is an open mic, showcase, and networking event where writers can network with professionals in their field. Our goal is to connect writers and publishers together to foster more publication of WNY poets, playwrights, and authors. By sponsoring events like Publisher’s Mic Night, we aspire to help cultivate a community of new writers and elevate previously unheard voices.
We've built a full schedule for the night based on the submissions we've received, and are happy to report that there are a variety of new and old faces ready to perform their work. Some of this year's readers include Nicole Hebdon, Sam Cochrane, Scott Seifritz, Kayla King, Jillian Hanesworth (among others!)
If you're not performing and you still want to connect with like-minded creators, you can attend as an audience member. After the readings, there is an event reception in the lounge outside the theater where you can mingle and network with the performers and publishers.
General Admission: $10
Cash & Venmo accepted! Send payment to @greenbflo with the caption Publisher's Mic Night.
If you know Green Buffalo Productions, you know we love raffles! We'll be raffling off 2 seats to our 2nd Annual Spooky One-Act Festival.
Raffle Prices:
- 1 ticket for $1
- 3 tickets for $2
- arm's length for $5
The Compass Performing Arts Center is located at 555 Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo, between Village Beer Market and KeyBank.
About Green Buffalo Productions - Green Buffalo Productions is a team of young professionals working in theatre, art, and creative writing. Each of their team members brings distinct talents to the company, ensuring they can oversee every step of the production process. Their mission is to bring attention to underrepresented voices in the Western New York Community by producing new works of theater and providing resources for unpublished writers. Their three main objectives are: to foster the creation and production of original works of theater; to provide opportunities for marginalized writers and performers by remaining accessible and encouraging; and to enrich the community through meaningful collaboration.
More information about Green Buffalo Productions events and services can be found on their website: You can also follow GBP onTwitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or send them an email at[email protected].