The EnerTwin has many benefits:
Affordable. The EnerTwin is less expensive than other
micro-CHP systems because it is based on technology and
components used in the automotive industry.
Fast ROI. Return on investment is achieved within three to
six years, and sooner in the case grants are applicable.
Low service costs. There is little wear and tear because
a micro turbine has only one moving part. The servicing
frequency is once a year or after 5,000 hours of operation.
Because technicians can read data from the EnerTwin
remotely, servicing is more efficient and unnecessary
call-out charges are avoided.
Silent. The micro turbine does not vibrate. The closed
housing allows little noise emissions. The EnerTwin has
a noise level of 55 dB(A).
Low weight. In contrast to other micro-CHP systems, the
EnerTwin is very low weight. The installation does normally
not require any structural changes to the building.
Multi-fuel. The EnerTwin is developed to run on natural
gas. Versions that run on domestic fuel oil, LPG and biogas
are in development.
Less dependent on your energy utility. You will generate
most of your power yourself.
Considerable savings in energy costs. Depending on the
number of hours of operation, you could save up to 25%
a year on your energy bill.
Sustainable. The decentral generation of electricity
combined with clean combustion reduces CO2 and NOx
emissions by 3 to 6 tons a year.
Can be installed as a standalone system or in a cascade
arrangement. The EnerTwin can be installed alongside the
existing conventional heating boilers. It is not required to
renew your whole heating system.