Recently, I got an invitation from my dear friend Gokhan Gokdogan to participate at the Energy Days which is an event organized by Gazi University Energy Community.

Thanks to my job, under the main subject  "Energy", I regularly give speeches on many topics from the gas plants to hydroelectric plants, from maintenance and service contracts to wind power plant investments, from nuclear steam turbine technologies to the regulations, legislation and the legal aspects of the investments and sharing presentations at the conferences .

However, considering the fact that in order to talk about all these issues there should be an “investment” first, during my speech, I decided to try to answer some important questions like

  • Why and what do we invest in?
  • What are the dynamics of an investment in general?
  • What are the investment dynamics of Turkey and global energy sector?
  • How do we decide on the type of the investment ?
  • How do we take investment decisions?
  • What are the processes from A to Z during an investment project?

In this context, I named my speech and presentation as "Investment in Energy Sector - Pre-Licensing and Licensing Procedures in Turkish Electricity Market".  A long and fruitful Q&A session took place afterwards. During this session we talked about gas turbine combustion technologies, combined cycle power plants, nuclear technologies and power generation systems, productivity/efficiency, the concepts of availability and reliability, investment dynamics, wind power plants etc. I did enjoy the conversation, participation and the dynamism I observed.

I wholeheartedly support all college students who are interested in the energy sector  and I am happy to see their attention to this sector. We agreed to come together again for other future activities.

Once more I would like to congratulate members of the Gazi University Energy Community and the audience who have contributed to this event.

with Gokhan Gokdogan and the Board Members of Gazi University Energy Community

With Energy Community Board Members dear Bugra Sensoy & Aysu Sacinti


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