Gaynor's Failed FEMA Tenure - But There is Hope
Acting DHS Secretary Gaynor - The Providence Journal

Gaynor's Failed FEMA Tenure - But There is Hope

With this past week's cowardly resignation of former and failed DHS Acting Secretary -Chad Wolf, FEMA Administrator - Pete Gaynor - was called upon to fill the vacancy.

As usual, enablers who stand to gain by coming forth and posting rosy comments on social media - including this page - and elsewhere, came out of the woodwork to lavish praise on the now Acting DHS Secretary. Not me. I've always called it like it is. I have read that "it takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone."

But it doesn't have to end this way.

As a Luso-American (Portuguese-American) and former resident of the "Ocean State" - Rhode Island (RI) - the state is the home to a larger number of fellow countrywomen and men - when the President nominated Pete to become FEMA's Administrator - no one was more elated than I. Ok, besides Pete. So much so, that I emailed the Chief of Staff to consider me to work directly with the in-coming Administrator.

After all, I had served previous FEMA Administrators with distinction - including the man he succeeded - Brock Long. Moreover, I had worked with Pete while he served as a State Emergency Management Director, a member of the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) and admired his past public service record.

Moreover, he had served the former Providence Mayor David Cicilline. Both would come to Washington to serve the great people of RI, Pete as the FEMA Administrator, and David as a hard charging U.S. Representative seeking to make a name for himself. Congressman Cicilline went on to also become the Co-Chair of the House Portuguese-American Caucus. Ironically, one would go on to vote to indict Trump - twice - and the other to be his enabler. Politics - the art of the possible.

I did have the honor to work and prepare Gaynor for key and critical stakeholder engagements - many of which I have posted on this page. A professional admiration evolved into a close and - dear I say - personal friendship. I share in many of his accomplishments at FEMA. But I - better than most - know his flaws.

When you read Peter's bio on his FEMA LinkedIn page and a recent Providence Journal article - there is a lot to like about the man. What I read reminded me of the many times I saw this Marine jump to attention when the Pledge of Allegiance was read or uttered at events. Impressive. What a patriot. I would get chills down my spine. As a matter of fact, I'm perplexed why some of the heroic acts I read in the Journal did not make it to his nomination testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (HSGAC). That narrative would have overcome the slight hiccup raised during his nomination hearing - an early and regrettable incident from his past. We all make stupid mistakes.

But Washington changed Pete. I've written and posted about these changes - and while his service as DHS Acting Secretary will be short lived, I'm worried about what he has become. This keeps me up at night.

Consider the following incidents - where I and others - know where he failed us, my former colleagues, the Agency, the Department and the country:

U.S. Capitol Insurrection - Coup d'etat - "Neither Ready Not Prepared"

"... our democracy is under an unprecedented assault. An assault on the Capitol itself. An assault on the people’s representatives, on the police officers sworn to protect them, and the public servants who work at the heart of our Republic. An assault on the rule of law. An assault on the most sacred of American undertakings: The doing of the people’s business. Let me be very clear: The scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect the true America. This is not who we are."


A few observations on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and response:

Vaccine Rollout - "Dark Winter"

"... the vaccine rollout in the United States has been a dismal failure. ... That’s why we will harness the full resources of the federal government to establish thousands of community vaccination centers. On my first day in office, I will instruct the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, to begin setting up the first of these centers."


"It’s been three hundred and forty-three days since the virus that has ravaged our nation tragically claimed its first life. On February 6, 2020, Patricia Dowd took her last breath at home, under the California sun of Santa Clara. She was 57 years old. A beloved wife, mother, daughter, and sister. She never knew she had the virus, at a time when most folks never even heard about the virus. But just like that, she was gone. Almost exactly one year later, nearly 400,000 of our fellow Americans have met the same cruel fate. Countless families and friends left behind, with unrelenting grief and guilt, anger and frustration. And the emptiness felt by the loss of life is compounded by the loss of our way of life. During this pandemic, millions of Americans — through no fault of their own — have lost the dignity and respect that comes with a job and a paycheck. Millions of Americans who never thought they’d be out of work are facing eviction or waiting hours in their car to feed their families as they drive up to a food bank. Millions who have kept their job but have seen their hours and paycheck reduced are barely hanging on as well. That is happening today in the United States of America."

National Security Risks

In-Coming Missile Alert Protocol

FEMA's National Risk Index

Putting People First


Inspire of it all, I wish you the best of luck with the inaugural planning activities. I hope you are successful beyond your wildest dreams and that indeed you'll finish with a stunning victory. The newly and legitimately-elected president and the country deserve a peaceful transition of power.

He has called on the nation to unite and work together. It is in that spirit that I say that while the clock is running out on your tenure, you can still make a difference on the issues discussed. All it takes is good will. A few minutes of your time, a long over due discussion and resolution of differences, would allow us to part as not enemies, but friends. In doing so, we'd be an example for the country we both love. If we can reconcile, perhaps there is hope for the nation.

You know where to reach me.



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