Gavin Newson to extend Eviction Moratorium until June 30th.
Going beyond the Federal CDC Eviction Moratorium, Governor Gavin Newsom is going to extend the Eviction Moratorium until June 30th. Tomorrow, January 28th SB 91 will be voted on. If passed into law, SB91 will protect tenants from eviction if they pay at least 25% of their rent from September 2020 and can prove pandemic-related hardship such as a job loss or salary reduction.
The bill also provides clarification on how the $2.6 B in Federal rent support will be used. For rents from April 2020 to March 2021, tenants can apply for an 80% benefit if the landlord agrees to forgive the 20%. If the landlord does not agree to debt forgiveness then they would receive only 25%. Judges would be allowed to reduce total damages if the landlord refuses to participate in the program. Like previous legislation, the onus is on the landlords to notify tenants of the program.
Update: 1/28/2021 - Today the eviction moratorium passed in both chambers of California's legislature.