Gave my credit card info to scam/fake website. What will happen?
Gave my credit card info to scam/fake website. What will happen?
Hi I wanted to buy some shoes at and I gave them my credit card information and my name and everything, they even asked for the name of the bank (issue bank) my date of birth, name...and it said that the payment failed so I did some reaserch and found out the website was a scam that pretended to sell real designer shoes at low prices. Should I be worried? I deleted the cookies of the website if that changed anything. Is there a way they can rob ALL of my money in the bank under that number of my credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
What is a good online home mortgage loan company?
Looking to apply online to see if I prequalify, I walked into Citibank but they say they are too busy and are ignoring me."
I have 4 payday loans that I can not pay. Now what?
I've been stuck with these payday loans for almost a year. I've always been on time and this costs me $200 in intrest every 2 weeks, ($250 every 2 weeks and I pay back $300) it's like impossible to get out of this mess. Anyway, I lost my job a few months ago and I've been paying these loans using my savings but I'm now broke, I'm about to get evicted and I already lost my car. There is no way I can pay for anything until I find a new job. so here are my questions: 1) Will they immidiately pull out any money that goes in my bank acct when I start getting paid from my new job? 2) Will they garnish my wages? 3) Will they go after my ex because I was using the account we shared at first? It is under my personal accnt now though (I'm going through a divorce and no I'm not getting any money out of it) 4) Will this go on my credit? 5) Will they take me to court? 6) Should I contact them or just not say anything at all? Doesn't make sense to set up a payment plan because I obviously can't pay it. 7) WHAT DO I DO!!! Best answer to all my questions will get 10 points today!! Thanks!!"
Where can I get my credit scores without having to sign up for anything?
Where can I get my credit scores without having to sign up for anything?
What is a free credit report?
What is a free credit report?
Does anyboby know where can i find more information about auto loan tampa?
Does anyboby know where can i find more information about auto loan tampa?
Where is there a free adult dating site where you can email without a credit card?
Where is there a free adult dating site where you can email without a credit card?
Can a car dealership finance two cars in one loan?
I want to trade in my car and my boyfriend and I each want to get a new car. Would a dealership finance them together or would we be forced to have to have two separate loans?
Am iresponsible for debts that my ex husband files bankruptcy on?
I have been divorced for 6months. my husband assumed all the joint debts in the divorce. i assumed all my personal debt. He has let me remain in our home and he pays most of the payment. I am disabled but do not draw disability. I inherited a little money when my mother passed away and her home. The money is in my name only and always has been. The house was supposed to only been in my name but somehow things were messed up and his name is on the deed. He is sick and has no choice but to file bankruptcy. i am afraid when he does the creditors we had together will come after me for payment because i have this money. this inheritance is my only means of support now unless i become able to work again.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Appealing Financial Aid?
I'm working with him on several scholarship applications. I'm just confused why if all 3 schools received the same tax info, 1 of them interpreted it so differently than the other two. And believe me, I see how much this family struggles, even to send 2 of the kids to college. $20,000 would be impossible for the family. Has anyone else every been in a similar situation? How do you get the school's financial aid committee to realize that my mentee literally will not be able to go to the school without more help?"
What kind of house can I afford on $12 hr?
I'm 24 and have a stable job... the thing is I only make $12/hr.. What is the maximum price for a house I can afford without losing the house. I know it's pretty difficult... but I don't want to be the type of person that rents a place for the rest of their lives.. I have about $10,000 saved up from living with my mom and dad. I make about $15,000 after taxes. and I manage to make an extra $2,000 from doing little jobs.. 1 day events.. etc So about $17,000 a year. I know if I get a single family home.. I'm going to have to rent the place... have roommates... probably about $1,000 total a month. My friend says it'll be easier for tax purposes if some friends moved over and they paid bills, food and toiletries... but no rent.. (idk about that).. I have no student loans or debt that needs to be paid... I also have no credit... but my parents said they'd help me get a house."
Best website to buy tactical gear?
Ive looked at 5.11 and want something better than that something that has cool things to buy .
"Monthly payments for $185,000 mortgage?"
Monthly payments for $185,000 mortgage?"
Bought a car with outstanding finance bailiffs coming help!! (Scotland)?
Hi I recently bought a car and found out that it has outstanding finance from the previous owners log book loan. I got a letter the other day saying I have been tracked as the legal owner of the car and that if payment is not made in 7 days then the car will be reposessed. I just want to know what my rights are as I live in the countryside there are no busses the nearest shop is 7 miles I have 2 kids one disabled and has to attend appointments at the hospital 25miles away. So a car is very much needed. Can the car just be taken from me? When the bailiff comes if the car is on my driveway and I have the gates to the driveway closed and padlocked (i do this to keep the dogs in) are they still able to take the car or is this classed as trespassing?. Genuine advice only please! thanks in advance
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Is my Credit Line for Cash Ontop of My Total Credit Line?
Total Credit Line: 300 Available Credit for Cash: $150 Credit Line for Cash: $150.00 Is the $150 part of my $300, or can I charge up to $300 ANDDD get a cash withdrawal?"
What is the best way to get an auto loan for a used pickup truck... what is usually the best rate these days?
It is for 17 year old daugjhter, I will actually be the one taking out the loan. I have great credit, but where are the best rates to befound... we are in the SF Bay area."
Can I get a student loan a year after a Chapter 11 bankruptcy?
I did a bankruptcy that was officially discharged last October-November. I am interested in going back to school to learn to be a chef...tuition would cost $10,000. I already have a B.A. in English, but that doesn't get you anywhere. Would I be able to get a student loan for tuition plus living expenses (I presume I could work would take about 20 months of training)? Also, can anyone tell me what the typical monthly payoff amount and/or time is (I have never had a loan before)? Do people pay it off over 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, etc.? I haven't made a firm decision yet, but I know that I would rather work in a kitchen than in some office, and teaching sounds like a miserable, thankless job."
"New credit score, today I got my Social security number?"
Hello, I've been living in USA for 2 years, I have a free checking account in Washington mutual since 2006 and I have their debit card, that's it. Today I received my social security number, will I have a Fico credit score? or I must wait? or I should apply for a credit card? can I make use of the checking account? I can call the bank and give them my Social Security number and they can report the account age to the credit score Bureau, giving me a good history? Thank you"
What happens when the bank you have your auto loan through gets bought out?
My auto loan is through Wachovia and i just read they are going to be bought out by Citigroup. What happens now?
Does scarcity of natural resources effect a nations development?
if a country has less of resources can it still develop.........if
I have a bad credit report from defaults over 2 years old and i am in desperate need of a personal loan?
i have a bad credit report from defaults over 2 years old and i am in desperate need of a personal loan to consolidate current overdue bills and credit card payment does anyone know who will help me? preferably no credit checks but not a payday loan as i need min 3k I'm located in Australia so i will need someone who will approve / lend to me in Australia my total debts is only around 3k but seem to be impossible to get as i don't have any real assets to my name so i would require an unsecured loan.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Do You Know Who CLA-800-922-8803 E-PAYMENT WEB IS?
They took out money out of my account and i don't know what affiliation they are
Gave my credit card info to scam/fake website. What will happen?
Hi I wanted to buy some shoes at and I gave them my credit card information and my name and everything, they even asked for the name of the bank (issue bank) my date of birth, name...and it said that the payment failed so I did some reaserch and found out the website was a scam that pretended to sell real designer shoes at low prices. Should I be worried? I deleted the cookies of the website if that changed anything. Is there a way they can rob ALL of my money in the bank under that number of my credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO
"Am I the only one who sees marriage, kids and a mortgage as a trap?"
It seems most peoples goal in life is to grow up, go to college, get a degree, get a job, get married, get a mortgage and have kids. It's always the same hum-drum routine everywhere you look. And i'm not sure if its what they truly want, or if they're just doing what society expects them to do. Either way I don't think people realize how absolutely enslaving and entrapping that particular life path is. Let me explain: 1) Most jobs you will get with a college degree will be some sort of corporate, 9-5 office job, which will do anything but give you adventure and meaning in life. This is the first step towards your descent into emptiness and slavery. 2) A mortgage is purposefully set up so you can't pay it back, that's what interest is for. See most people don't make enough money to pay it back in full, all they can do is pay off the interest and maybe a little bit of the actual debt, so you spend the better part of a lifetime trying to pay the damn thing off. Your money is already being sucked away at this point, assuming you probably have credit card debt too, now add kids to the picture.... 3) When you have children, it becomes an unbelievable financial burden even with just 1 child. At this point you will be frantically trying to climb the corporate career ladder to get a raise, because your mortgage along with credit cars, bratty kids and car insurance is just so expensive. So now your life is all about playing the rat race game, sucking up to your boss and losing every shred of dignity in your soul to chase after a pay check raise. Also, at this point you will have no more time to yourself, between frantically toiling away at work and dealing with your children at home, you find you have no time for yourself, and you and your wife are becoming more and more distant. 4) You find that you and your wifes marriage has become more about finances than actual love, you are a team to deal with bills and kids, not a happy couple. So in the end she may either cheat on you, or divorce you and take everything....that is if you don't do it first because you're so tired of her crap. 5) You're now middle aged, and reflecting on your life you begin to wonder where the time went, how did you get here...etc, and suddenly it hits you like a ton of bricks... you have done absolutely nothing with your life, your job is empty, your marriage is empty, your Dodge Charger that you like to show off to your bar buddies on the weekend is empty, your kids are ungrateful and will probably do nothing in life except repeat the same empty, pointless dance that you did, only perpetuating the emptiness in society."
"In NJ, if my name is not on the deed or mortgage, do I have any legal right to the house if divorcing?"
In NJ, if my name is not on the deed or mortgage, do I have any legal right to the house if divorcing?"
Will banks finance an auto loan from an auction?
I am looking to get a from an auction (repot clean title) but I don't know if banks will finance this. Is it considered a private party loan? Please help.
Should i take out a loan?
I've never taken out a loan before and I don't even know if I could get a loan. I currently have 2 credit cards (less than a grand on both) but I'm struggling to pay them... I was gonna take out a loan to pay them both off and just owe money to one place. I also recently got into a car accident and I would take money from the loan to help that out too. Or are there seperate loans for car accidents? I really don't know much about this so any advice would be great. Thank you!
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Mortgage loan vs Personal loan to buy a house!?
I live in Texas and there are a couple of small homes for sale for about $50.000. Should I try to get a personal loan and pay it of in 10 years or rather a mortgage loan and pay the house of 30 years? How easy is it to get a personal loan for $50.000 if you have an excellent credit history?
When you file bankruptcy chapter 13 do they with hold your refund check?
My sister filed bankruptcy because of medical bills and had beard she will not receive a refund on her taxes? She filed chapter 13 which means her creditors are being paid off and they deduct it after taxes on her paycheck.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
What is the best way to get a credit report?
Is there anything online that does not require payments (yeah even though most say free, they still want to charge you)"
How can I get my credit score the 7 points it needs?
I tried to get an equity loan out of my house and they said everything is in order but that I need 7 more points on my credit. How can I get 7 more points onto my credit? I really do not want to have to open up a credit card because I have never had one and don't really need one. They said my income is good, my employment is good and everything else is good but that I need more credit history. I don't understand because when I purchased my home I was debt free and owed no one, so why are they asking me to open something up in order to get the points.? It took me a long time to become debt free and I really do not want to have to incur debt in order to get equity out of my house. I have had my house since 02 and have never taken equity out, I have over 100% equity and would like to get some-I deserve it. :)"
If i payed off my eviction would that stay on my records and would i be able to find a apartment?
I've was living in a decent complex for about a year so every month I would make a money order so i can pay my rent because they do not accept cash or credit so back in feb, 2010 I have gave them $2,000 so it can pay couple months off but at the same time I had section 8 witch they paid $425 a month so 4 months later i received a letter saying that I'm behind rent by $1,800 so we went thru the courts and we did not win even with all my proof because I did have all my proof that I paid them so i got me a free attorney cause i could not afford it at the time so anyway my attorneys said that they were not going to settle and they are not going to settle for any offers so but my attorneys did find that they were scamming others in the same complex and something was not write so i could not afford a lawyer so I just gave up and paid them there back rent off now I I'm not sure if that will stay on my credit???????????"
Can a 13 year old buy a prepaid visa gift card at cvs?
Im short and I'm 13 do I have to be 18 and older I'm like 4 feet 9 inches what do I say to them when they question me and I have a student ID and I want to get like a 50 dollar card and how do I order stuff online with it and if I order everything from forever 21 will they all arrive in the same package and how do I get a prepaid visa card like do I need to sign something
How can I find all of my debts once they are in collections and I'm not sure I can remember all of them?
I am going to clean up my debts with my tax return, and I want to make sure I do as much as I can and just knowing the total amounts I owe would be nice. A few years ago, I could remember them, but having kids and other life changes have me drawing blanks. Can a bank help me find this information?"
Is there any goverment credit report websites?
is there any Gov web sites where i can view my credit score?
Anyone know a payday loan company where i can get 1500 and that actually works ?
im desperate and dont care what the fees are etc,i need 1500,all the no credit check 1500 loans"" i ran just keep transfering me and bs"
"Please help me with house loan and stuff, I don't really understand?!?"
I don't know anything about mortages, loans, etc. Recently I found steady full time work, my dad offered to help me buy a house for myself & as investment by matching whatever I put up as down payment for the house. I just started looked for property but I need to know just about how much home I can afford. I make $31,200 gross income a year, about $24,000 net income after taxes. I plan to save up at least $10,000, ideally $20,000 before I buy a house/get the loan, my dad will match my down payment. He says he will also help me get the loan, since he has much more money than me (or something, supposed to get me better rates). I currently live at home, so nearly 90% of my net wage paycheck is saved, I would break 10k in the bank before the end of the year! My dad also suggested I either rent out the whole house or at least a room to help pay for the loan. I figure the maximum I can pay per month is $1,000. can someone who knows this stuff help me? please?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can a non-immigrant visa holder buy a house with a citizen (get a mortgage)?
Can a non-immigrant visa holder (a J1 visa, if this is pertinent) get a mortgage with a U.S. citizen to buy a house? Credit history is pretty good but the visa holder will be the one making all the mortgage payments so it would be good to be included on the mortgage. Any suggestions for buying a house whilst being a citizen of another country would be most appreciated."
I need my bankruptcy information from 1994 how can i get it?
I was discharged from bankruptcy and no longer have the documents, how do i get a copy"
What is the best mortgage loan company?
my parents are looking for a loan mortgage company. also, is it possible for different loan companies to give the same person different pre approvals? like for different amounts of money?"
If a person is sued by a auto loan company. Can they seize a safety deposit box?
I thought only a Government agency could take the content of a saftey deposit box.
"Credit card debt, collections?"
My husband and I built a house and it end up going over our allowed amount by 80,000. We are not sure what to do. I can only pay out 600 a month for creditors. How can I get the finance charges to stop. I have 14 cards. We thought of selling our house as a last resort. We don't want to file bankruptcy. Please any advice would be appreciated!!! 600 a month is not nearly enough to pay for even the minimums."
Does credit repair really help raise your credit score?
Does credit repair really help raise your credit score?
I need help with auto loan information can anyone help?
I have a few questions actually, i want to get a car loan but my credit is horrible and i don't know what to do i also want a car loan under 10,000, I am looking to buy a car for 3,000 - 4,000 and i found a lot. I also would like to know what my possible lowest monthly payments might be, no bank or auto loan place has answered these for me I'm having so much trouble. Please help me if you know anything. Thank youu!!"
Gave my credit card info to scam/fake website. What will happen?
Hi I wanted to buy some shoes at and I gave them my credit card information and my name and everything, they even asked for the name of the bank (issue bank) my date of birth, name...and it said that the payment failed so I did some reaserch and found out the website was a scam that pretended to sell real designer shoes at low prices. Should I be worried? I deleted the cookies of the website if that changed anything. Is there a way they can rob ALL of my money in the bank under that number of my credit card?
ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions. FINANCEANDLOANS.INFO