Gauth ASO Audit Report

Gauth ASO Audit Report

Gauth iOS App

Gauth is among AI homework helpers in app stores today. With over a million people downloading the app, Gauth has enjoyed a relatively high ranking in the App Store. In fact, Gauth, by the time of this writing, is rated to be the #50 app in the Education category based in the United States.

While Gauth has already accomplished things that other AI homework helpers apps haven’t achieved, there is still a way to maximize their app store visibility and increase their chance of getting noticed.

After all, the biggest room is the room for improvement. No matter how great Gauth might already be, they can still do something to reach the number 1 spot and not be overtaken by competitors.

In this ASO audit, let’s take a look at how Gauth can improve its keyword ranking in the most efficient way possible.

Gauth Keyword research

We did a quick keyword research for Gauth based in the United States. We have shared the details at the end of this post.?

Looking at the research result, we can see that we are already ranking for some important keywords. Nevertheless, we have identified some great opportunities for us to take advantage of.

In this situation, ASO intelligence tools come in handy. These tools are effective in identifying popular keywords with the lowest competition. For example, in ShyftUp, we use Mobile Action to perform reliable keyword research.

Among the results we get is the term Search Score. Here’s a quick overview:

The Search Score ranges from 5 to 100. The score represents the number of users who are searching for a specific keyword compared to other keyword options in the App Store and Google Play.

For example, one of the keywords with the highest ranking is the keyword “Facebook.” It has a search score of 100.

The lowest score is 5, which means no one is virtually searching for that keyword. Most keywords will never even see a score beyond 5.

Going back to the results that we got, here’s how Gauth’s ranking looks like:

  • “Calculator” keyword has a search score of 72, which we don’t rank.
  • “AI” keyword has a search score of 71, which we rank at no. 110.
  • “Companion” keyword has a search score of 46, which we rank at no. 126.
  • “Study” keyword has a search score of 41, which we rank at no. 46.
  • “Matrix” keyword has a search score of 39, which we rank at no. 205.
  • “Physics” keyword has a search score of 37, which we don’t rank.

Read more at ShyftUp's article.

ShyftUp is an ASO Agency.


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