The Gathering of Vultures by Livy-Elcon Emereonye
Conception is a function of intimacy but perception and approach matter. You will know people when you get close - real closer to them - and when you do, you might be surprised for most people are not really what and who they claim to be!
It was David Leviathan who penned, "It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you." What would have prompted him to make the above remark, and why? Discoveries based on harsh realities through painful realization. He would have probably got what he never bargained for from someone he trusted so much – may be a confidant.
The experience of backstab, betrayal, deception and more might come with some degree of destabilization, making the victim to even doubt himself – and this is common amongst “human vultures.”
Generally, a vulture is a scavenging bird of prey; and “the Old World vultures include the birds that are seen scavenging on carcasses on dead animals on African plains.”
When vultures gather, it means something deadly must have happened. The gathering of vultures has everything to do with deadness, putrification and rancidity because they feed on the dead - decaying, smelling dead animals. As a metaphor, the gathering of human vultures indicates wasteness, criminal deception and nothingness of value. A human vulture is worse than the undertaker who also feeds gluttonously on the cadaver - and they are many in number even where least expected until circumstances bring them out to do what they know best.
A look at the self-acclaimed godfathers would reveal more things about the complex nature of the human species, suggesting why people claim what they are not and assume what they don’t have. More like ingrates, they feed on carcasses of their ignorant victims, making every sacrificial instinct numb thereby putting off the light of togetherness. In sheer display of mischief but more out of cowardice and a weakling disposition, they walk empty like idiots with no courage to freely and truly express themselves, hiding under someone else’s shadow to perpetuate evil. This is pathetic!
In the affairs of life, and in the gathering of people, clouds may hover which darkness would cover. However, sometime someday one thing will cause something to happen and a lot of things would come to limelight with many revelations some of which might not be palatable. Oftentimes, the knowledge of the “other side” comes with surprises because most people are not what they portray before the public otherwise there would be no need for some gory stories that make the news almost always.
For instance, when, either by commission or omission, you realized consciously or by accident that the same man you stood on the way of hungry tigers for his cause to be actualized boldly but secretly turned against you and fraternized with your competitors to pull you down; when you found out may be painfully that the one you called father actually hypnotized and deceived you just to sell you at no price for selfish reasons; when you discovered that the one who called you privately to sing your praises have been using everything within his ability to blackmail and malign you, painting you black before the world; you will feel bad and disappointed and possibly ask why but at the end, be man enough to cry your own cry with torrent of tears but thereafter, pick up the pieces, dust yourself and continue to do your things your own way, probably differently – and at the end, you would get better results and become a better person.
When you face the stark realities of life, encourage and strengthen yourself, bearing in mind that the furnace experience is inevitable for real gold to emerge. Look inward and do everything possible to convert oppositions to opportunities – and when you do, you will get beauty from ashes. There is more strength in every threat when we preserve without losing focus. Every encounter can actually make you stronger.
Ordinarily, a goat does not bite but when one vigorously pursues a goat and it gets to a brick wall, it will turn around and attack with all its might - and you know what? There is no antidote to goat bite! When someone arrogates the power of omnipotence to himself and tries to be a god before you, look straight into his eyes and without mincing words tell him that he is a mere mortal being with nothing special about him. Man is not God!
It was David Brinkley who said; "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him." Therefore, don’t brood over harsh realities and tough outcomes even when you are in pain but instead endure the pains and then look for pearls in them. Resolve to always get the best from every situation.
Things will happen to challenge you – and they can stretch you real bad – but if you can triumph over them, you will become prominent and celebrated, becoming a reference point. Approach matters and it can make a great difference especially when you come to the level of expecting everything from everyone at every point in time.
Whatever the case, be mindful of the fact that the world is a global village and people watch with keen interest even the thing you ignore. Therefore, strive to make your life a moving story of good news, an epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men for inspiration, edification and encouragement. Live to triumph over temptations and trials. Be both light and salt to your fellow human beings including those that will trample your goodwill underfoot and turn around to attack you. Be of good cheers and overcome the world. Be a living testimony of goodness and mercies, working always all ways to make the world a good place for peaceful coexistence, exploring life and enjoying the glamour of living.
You are too sophisticated and favoured to be intimidated by any person or group of persons so don't, by any means, be a vulture; and most importantly resist the gathering of human vultures. Avoid every form and all forms of evil gathering. Have nothing to do with those who have penchant for destroying others for their selfish interest.