Gather DMS Integrations
What is behind having a Identity & Insurance Verification system like Gather integrate with a dealership's DMS? Why is this important?
The Gather process involves the consumer to take a picture of their own insurance card and drivers license along with a selfie for identification. This is very important as those items never leave the hands of the person buying the car.
There are too many instances of a dealership employee inadvertently or in a few cases intentionally compromising this sensitive data. More than once dealerships have been fined with a copy of the Drivers License laying out on a desk somewhere and a state auditor notices. (Most states issue a 10K fine per instance, but some are more). In some situations a picture of the license is taken on a personal cell phone and that information is sold on the black market.
What does that have to do with the DMS? The Gather system involves beginning with a specific deal related QR code that the prospect scans to begin the process. This comes from the DMS integration. Then when the information is "gathered" it is sent to the electronic F&I deal jacket. Stand alone identity verification systems do not do this not to mention they do nothing on the insurance side.
Other DMS systems will soon be added as the Gather solution continues to evolve. In addition over 75% of the insurance carriers are now also electronically integrated for insurance verification as well as the automated transfer of the consumer's insurance coverage to the vehicle being purchased.
If you would like to learn more about this cutting edge solution please let me know.
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