Gather On Demand Insurance
We are getting a lot of attention with our new On Demand Insurance offering. A little background on this. When customers run through our Insurance Verification system we found that around 15% of them had no insurance. Dealers asked us if we had a way of handling this. Thus, along with the Allstate network, we developed ODI (On Demand Insurance). We can get anyone insured, unless they have a suspended license, on a 6 month policy within minutes. The entire process is electronic.
We now have this available in 41 states and are working on the rest. This can be used stand alone or as part of our full system. Insurance verification is obviously included.
Do you need this? If you lose deals because someone does not have insurance then the answer is pretty obvious. This offering pays for itself if just one deal per month is saved. It is fast, efficient, and works any time day or night.
Want details? Just contact me at your convenience (see below). Thanks, Ken
Ken Luna??
Executive Board Advisor
Director of Partnerships
321 262 6464