GatewayC February spotlight

GatewayC February spotlight

Welcome back to our monthly spotlight – your round up of resources, news and early diagnosis insights we’ve shared with you throughout the month. In February we shared...

Supporting World Cancer Day (4 February)

This year’s World Cancer Day theme was ‘United by Unique’ which focused on placing people at the centre of cancer care by recognising and fully integrating everyone’s unique needs.

We joined the conversation by sharing two Cancer Keys that delivered essential guidance to support early diagnosis of cancer in vulnerable patient groups.

Our first Cancer Key explored the unique challenges people experiencing homelessness can face when accessing cancer care. We covered specific cancer risk factors and ways to reduce barriers to essential cancer services for this patient group.

Our second Cancer Key focused on supporting survivors of sexual violence. We explored the importance of a trauma informed approach, key cancer risk factors to consider and overcoming barriers to an early cancer diagnosis.

We also released our new GPs Talk Cancer recap video featuring our GP hosts Rebecca Leon and Sarah Taylor . GPs sat down to share their most memorable moments with specialist secondary care guests that help transform their practice.

Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month

During Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month, we shared a range of early diagnosis resources covering red flag symptoms, advancements in prevention and guidance to support you to make a more confident cancer referral.

We shared an interview from our updated oesophageal course with Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon Mr Simon Galloway, who shared useful guidance on recognising dysphagia - a common red flag symptom of oesophageal cancer.

How effective are blood tests in detecting oesophageal cancer? We highlighted further insights from Mr Simon Galloway on the role of blood tests in aiding the early diagnosis of oesophageal cancer.

Since 2021, the Cytosponge test has been trailed across the NHS as a less invasive way to detect Barratt’s oesophagus. Our bite-sized Cancer Key highlighted the tests benefits and key limitations.

GPs Talk Cancer bite-sized episodes

Ahead of series 3 of GPs Talk Cancer, we started to release bonus bite-sized episodes based on our Cancer Conversation series with Rebecca Leon .

Proton beam therapy

GP host Rebecca explores this innovative treatment and its effects through conversations with patients and specialist clinicians.

Cancer in the trans community

This episode investigations the unique barriers that trans patients with potential cancer diagnosis face in primary care.

In the news: Prostate cancer is now the most common cancer in England

Research from Prostate Cancer UK shows that prostate cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most common diagnosis for two consecutive years, with 55,003 diagnoses in 2023.

With diagnoses on the rise, GPs should consider prostate cancer in patients with relevant symptoms, including taking a family history and conducting necessary tests. Safety-netting is crucial for those with persistent or worsening symptoms.

?? Read more: Prostate cancer becomes most common cancer diagnosis in England | Prostate cancer | The Guardian

Head to our website and search ‘prostate cancer’ to explore our collection of early diagnosis resources to support you.

LGBT History Month

To mark LGBT History Month, we released a new Cancer Key on barriers to early diagnosis in the trans community.

Trans patients can face multiple barriers when accessing healthcare, leading to delays in screening and diagnosis. Providing inclusive, patient-centred care is key to breaking down barriers and improving patient outcomes.

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