Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Throughout your life continue to raise altars to God and call the name of Jehovah concerning your life, the lives of your family members, your office, your properties, your interest. Hand your gates over to God.
Prayer Train 4;
Father, thank you for your covenant that evil shall bow before the good, and the wicked shall bow at the gates of the righteous. I demand that every evil spirit or wicked person shall be disarmed at this gate, in Jesus name. Every wicked spirit or person shall be judged at this gate. I therefore shut this gate permanently against the wicked. I command the stealing and affliction in this area to stop in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. (Prov. 14:19, Ps. 147:13 Emphasis Added)
We highly recommend that the reader prays prayers at his or her physical gate or entrance and anoint the place with oil as it was done in Genesis 28:12.