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“Getting the head right,” is essential for athletes so that they can concentrate on the positive and perform to their best. Even those with modest budgets retain psychologists, as needed, to get themselves ready for competition.

Consider the semi-professional club that travels to venues near and far. Most journeys are by way of a team-bus, which eliminates the planning and worry of travel arrangements allowing players to concentrate on their impending game. For nearby fixtures they occasionally use their own transport and this involves getting access to a designated carpark.

It is on these occasions that they encounter, often for the first time in daylight, that rare, if underrated, species, the steward. Most gate keepers treat players with the utmost respect but a minority of officials will consider the approaching athlete as the “enemy.” The pretext is that the “lads on the gate” are doing their job by preventing unauthorised entry to the ground. In reality it is a combination of group think and power tripping.

Sending a player (complete with initialled sport's top) to park elsewhere, for lack of the required car-pass, is a victory for the Hi Viz wearer emboldened with temporary superpowers. The “walk of shame” for the individual on the way back to the entrance weighed down by a gear bag (bearing his name) is another sign that “gateman” has won the contest, especially if there were verbals on the first attempt (gatewoman has more sense).

Few sports’ psychologists prepare anyone for these encounters however likely they are to happen but they can and do affect performance. A player approaching an intimidating double gate with no guarantee of entry will not be preparing mentally for the game itself and if the encounter involves an argument, it may well undo the therapist’s previous work.

Any athlete in this situation should be wearing headphones (whether they are on or not) and making as little eye contact as possible with the “all powerful.” If necessary, they should accept their fate without argument as it is a waste of time for everyone. On returning on foot, it is best to be humming along with the real or imaginary tune while stopping briefly to tell “Gateman” what a fantastic job he is doing. Once inside total focus on the warm-up and the team talk.

Any other approach encourages negativity, which will affect performance.

Gatekeepers are present in all occupations although few aspire to the roll. Getting into the players’ and officials’ carpark is akin to gaining access to a CEO or member of senior management; it requires a plan (or a car-pass).



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