Be A Gatekeeper
“Winners have no interest or association in the opinions, actions or affairs of losers.” - Jeffrey Fry
Life isn’t difficult. It’s VERY simple, successful people manage their relationships; they are gatekeepers.
· If you want to be miserable and wanting…hang around people who are miserable and wanting.
· If however, you want be happy and successful…hang around people who happy and successful.
You are naturally drawn to whatever you focus upon and whoever you ‘hang out’ with. You will see precisely the opportunities and possibilities that you prepare yourself to see.
Those who find the best in life are those who continually remind themselves that all the good and valuable things are there in front of them…all they have to do is see them, believe in them and take action to get them.
“See your life as a grand opportunity for love and joy, achievement and fulfillment. And that's exactly what it will be.” -Ralph Marston