The gate to the unconscious

The gate to the unconscious

[Published for the first time on April 12, 2024 as a newsletter for my mailing list. Make sure to receive them all by registering here. I publish only a few of them on LinkedIn]

Pushing open the door to the unconscious

Have you practised? If so, you have noticed the change, the inner peace that settles in and your attitude that changes, almost without you knowing it. You no longer react to the world around you in the same way. Everything becomes easier and more peaceful.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at my previous email. I tell you how I went from constant fear to trust in life. And how, after years of therapy, I finally learnt this practice so simple it seems simplistic, but which changes everything without it taking 20 years.

It is based on two principles:

  1. Change can only take place through the body.
  2. There is no other way to learn how to do something than to do it.

Let me explain what this means.

Change can only take place through the body.

Everything that hinders us is unconscious. It is relatively easy to understand intellectually that our fears are illusions, that our old relationship patterns are toxic and that we have the potential to transform everything. But until this understanding is integrated at an unconscious level, we remain prisoners of our fears and our past.

By definition, the unconscious is not conscious. We cannot use our conscious mind to access our unconscious and erase the traces of the traumas that make us react to life's events with fear and pain.

The only way to transform the unconscious neural architecture built up by trauma is through the body, because the body is the material dimension of the unconscious.

By teaching our bodies to feel safe as often as possible - and this is precisely what the practice of the sigh of relief does - we gradually soothe the traumatised part of our unconscious. Old patterns stop kicking in automatically, allowing us to create a different way of living, because we now have the capacity to choose how we want to respond to the different situations we encounter.

There is no other way to learn how to do something than to do it.

When I was studying to become a paramedic, I was taught all the theory about how to put in a intravenous line and the tricks that help when you have to do it in the middle of night, in the rain, at the bottom of a ravine or at the back of a speeding ambulance. But this never taught me how to do it. The only way to learn how to put in a intravenous line is to put one in - on a real patient, not an orange, a dummy or a classmate.

The same applies to happiness. There is no other way to be happy than to be happy. And to do that, you have to create the feeling of well-being, pleasure and satisfaction within yourself first, independently of external circumstances.

I am not telling you to pretend or deny your circumstances, but to practise feeling good even in the midst of the storm. Because this will help you to see possibilities that stress and grief blind you to.

Therefore, you are going to continue to practise the sigh of relief, really feeling it as such - deep relief. Let the energy settle in your pelvis and your whole body relax. And then, once you have entered the realm of your inner peace, smile. Gently, without forcing it, just for the pleasure of smiling.

And because in this moment, in the infinite space of your inner peace, all is well, you are going to add a phrase: I am enjoying the pleasure of being me living a good life. Remain in this truth for a few moments. Then go back to your daily activities, retaining as much as possible of this beautiful feeling of bliss in your body.

Practise at least six times a day.

In my next email, I will explain how to refine the practice and create what you want to experience more specifically.

Be assiduous - a few minutes a day for a lifetime of happiness, it is worth it!

Let me know me what you observe, what is easy and what demands more attention from you.

And as always, if you would like individual coaching, I am here for you. I am currently enrolling new clients for both Treasures and New Foundations.

Be well and dare to practise happiness,



New Foundations

Mysteries Unravelled


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