The gate is open: the need of healthcare system by Erum Yaqub
SIRM: Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
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The gate is open: the need of Health Care System
?An intense sense for the people well-being focuses on work-life harmony, an excellent academic culture and appreciation the nature’s blessing. These considerations can support society’s values of happiness, equality, social support that leads to a high-level satisfaction in life. The care and support system actively promotes independence and wellbeing. This means intervening early to support individuals, helping people retain their skills and confidence, and preventing need or delaying deterioration wherever possible.
So, the purpose of promoting, maintaining, or restoring health, or maximizing the level of independence is to minimize the effects of disability and illness. The importance of health service providers needs advance technical skills, safe patient care techniques, therapeutic communication, preparation for best technique for different procedures, cultural competency, critical thinking, decision-making, and problem solving are key elements to render care to the people.
In fact, happiness is healthy. As health is not simply the absence of disease, happiness is not simply the absence of unhappiness. The main theme of healthy life is a quality recommendation to promote the efficient ability of morbid individuals; increasing volunteer services; using digitalisation and technologies; built-up better living surroundings; arranging and delivering best facilities; providing direction and service management for the clients; safeguarding skilled health care providers, who prosper in their field; and ensuring the excellence of services. The following points can promote health:
It is also worth considering what are the main outcomes for the individuals from prevention, which might be:
On the other hand, cost-effectiveness in prevention is challenging not only due to the lack of a shared interpretation of what prevention is, but also because of the difficulties in demonstrating whether it was the interventions that caused the outcomes. Other main challenges in financial evaluations include the extensive timeframes vital for observing the full consequences of preventative investments, the scarce evidence and the challenges involved in disentangling the effects of services and needs (Knapp, 2013; Miller and Allen, 2013 reported in Marczak).
Keeping in the view that the successful completion of online training on primary care, safeguarding, infection control, prevention of health hazards and the development of national digital health strategies will result in reduction prevalence of health care burden.
Training is an investment in achieving productivity and employee retention by providing career development and job satisfaction in the long run and it also promote professional empowerment and competency.?An integrated approach for prevention is everybody’s business and requires everyone to work together.
This could include public health, leisure, transport, housing, children’s services, NHS, benefits advisors, police, fire service, the voluntary sector, prisons and providers.?
The need of time is to have equal access to advanced and quality health services, fostering community commitment, refining financial protection, securing healthy environments, improving standards of medical/nursing equipment, acquire better use of technology and adopting health information systems. Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. All the health care providers are responsible and accountable to foster care to the individuals/families by integrating theory into practice, improving the weaknesses, and determined to the needs of individuals. Minimising risk but promoting individual choice and independence for those with care needs and the professionals caring for them and sharing information and managing confidentiality.
By Erum Yaqub
Lecturer Healthcare - SIRM