Gascoyne RED Grants grow regional businesses
Gascoyne Development Commission CEO, Tym Duncanson was delighted to be joined by Hon. Alannah MacTiernan, Minister for Regional Development today for the announcement of round four of the Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants.
The RED Grants program is a McGowan Government initiative investing $40.8 million over seven years in locally driven projects to stimulate economic growth in the regions. Over the last three rounds of RED Grants, over $2.4 million of funding has been invested in 20 projects in the Gascoyne. In round four, four projects will share in $550,0000 investment. ?
Round four funding will benefit the Gascoyne economy through projects that increase the capability of local industry, facilitate workforce accommodation, and provide economic development opportunities.
The Trustee for Jamie Morgan Family Trust will use a $200,000 RED Grant to deliver a purpose-built marine repairs workshop, shelter, and retail space in Denham. The grant will also enable the renovation of on-site accommodation that will relieve workforce accommodation pressure in Denham and help attract much needed seasonal and skilled workers to the region.
Workforce accommodation will also be supported by a $100,000 RED Grant to the Shire of Upper Gascoyne for the subdivision of ten currently un-serviced lots within the town of Gascoyne Junction. The grant will enable the construction of new dwellings to support workforce attraction and population retention. The project will also be supported by an additional $100,000 of funding from the Government, administered by the Commission.
Carnarvon Chef Valeria Lucchitto will invest a $100,000 grant to build a commercial kitchen and expand her existing catering business showcasing premium Gascoyne produce. The project will also allow Valeria to support budding local chefs as the new kitchen will provide the capacity to take on apprentices.
North West Short Stay Pty Ltd’s $150,000 RED Grant will help fund fit-out costs and upgrades to their Ningaloo Commercial Laundry operations in Exmouth, meeting a growing regional demand for high quality commercial laundry services across the region.
In addition to the RED Grants Minister MacTiernan announced the Commission will support Hazel Walgar with a $14,650 grant to run a pilot project for Cultural tag-along tours over the upcoming tourist season. Hazel, a Baiyungu woman is the first Traditional Owner on the Ningaloo coast to establish a tourism operation, this is an important venture to showcase the Ningaloo and Gascoyne region and share its rich history.