Gas Station On Wheels
Why did I start MOBILE FUELZ? Is there a market for this type of business? Can it grow? These are questions I get asked all of the time. I have been called by reporters in the convenience industry and fuel industry to find out more. I have peaked interest mainly because this is a new concept and there are several businesses like mine popping up across the country.
I have always had some sort of entrepreneurial spirit wanting to start something from scratch and build it up. I have had several small businesses, but nothing that I could see growing to something meaningful. I have watched as the simplest ideas have grown to be huge money makers and solid companies. MOBILE FUELZ business model is designed to grow and change with the growth or demand for service. We are changing the way people get gas for their cars and equipment, something that has not changed in a 100 years. As a friend says, "Fueling with a twist." We are the gas station on wheels. We bring the gas to you and you never need to go to a gas station again.
I definitely see a market for this service and I see that market growing. My biggest hurdle is getting people to try something new. Everyone I meet loves the new idea, tells me how they hate the gas station, how they are always on E, but seem to wait for everyone else to sign up first. I charge $15 a month for the service plus the regular cost of gasoline at the pump. The pump price is determined by using Gas Buddy to pull the average price in the area where the customer is getting serviced. We come to you and fill at your location. The average customer will get filled once a week and on the same day every week. Customers can request extra service or cancel service for no additional charge. People waste more than $15 on things that don't matter. Why not spend $15 to get a service that is convenient, saves you time and doe not give the sense of panic when you see the gas gauge on E. Time is one thing you can never get back, so if I can give you 15-30 minutes a week extra to see your kids or avoid rush hour traffic.......why not?
I have also developed a fundraising program that can work for any organization no matter how small or large. The program gives back month after month and year after year. It involves a product everyone needs and has to have, gasoline. No door to door knocking, no high pressure sales or guilt trips to sell something. Interested? Contact me.
The market will grow and grow steadily. One person signs up, gets filled at work, loves the service, then they tell a friend or co-worker. Organic growth is what we want. Volume is key to keeping prices low and making money. I need to get 5 or more customers in a close proximity. I have had a lot of interest from commercial clients to get diesel service and I plan to add that very soon. I can help control fuel cost, reduce financial exposure, reduce liability, reduce fraudulent fuel charges, and do it faster than paying someone full time to do it.
I am not out to compete with gas stations or convenience stores. The stores offer more products than I can ever hope to or want to. I want to offer one product and service. I want to be the go to guy to get fuel from every day and every week. My service is just like ordering delivery pizza, going through the drive thru at a fast food restaurant, the drive thru at a is convenient. Sometimes you pay a little extra for the service.
Why not take 15 minutes to meet with me and let's discuss what I can do for you? If you are the average consumer, why not try us for one month? We have no contract and you will love the service.
Sign up at today or contact me at 1-844-FUL-TANK.